林文欽Lin, Wen-Chin許銓喆Hsu, Chuan-Che2022-06-082023-06-302022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/24f4089853e14e4f2c769fa94e42fd35/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117707我們分析二硫化鉬異質結構的物理特性,我們將鐵磁性材料(鐵、鈷鈀合金)和功能性材料(金、C60)鍍在二硫化鉬的薄片上。所有實驗中的二硫化鉬都使用化學氣相沉積(CVD)來製備於二氧化矽/矽(1 0 0)上。在鍍上異質結構之前,我們都會利用原子力顯微鏡(AFM)、光致發光光譜(PL)和拉曼光譜(Raman)來檢查二硫化鉬的基本性質。形貌上,發現一些有趣的現象:高溫下(約500 k)在二硫化鉬上鈷鈀合金的實驗中觀察到有奈米顆粒會聚集在單層二硫化鉬的邊緣,然而在多層二硫化鉬中這些奈米顆粒則在每層邊緣平行排列,且我們也觀察到光致發光的quenched (淬滅)現象,這證明高溫下鈷鈀合金也有覆蓋在二硫化鉬的平台表面上且非常的平坦,粗糙度約小於±0.5 nm,相較之下,常溫下成長在二硫化鉬的鈷鈀合金薄膜卻很粗糙(粗糙度~±2 nm)。再來是關於二硫化鉬上金(2~8 nm),我們觀察到高度反轉的現象。鍍金前,二硫化鉬到基板二氧化矽的台階高度為 +0.66 nm,這大約是正常的二硫化鉬的單層厚度。鍍金後,二硫化鉬到基板之間的高度反轉成(約-1.0至-3.5 nm)。此高度反轉現象的原因是金在二硫化鉬和基板上的不同生長模式,且這機制會取決於金的鍍膜時的溫度和金的厚度。關於磁性方面,令人驚訝的是我們觀察到鐵磁性材料(鐵、鈷鈀合金)/二硫化鉬與旁邊的基板二氧化矽之間有magnetic decoupling(磁去耦合)的現象。儘管二硫化鉬厚度(~0.66 nm)比鐵或鈷鈀合金的厚度更薄,關於3.6 nm的鐵在二硫化鉬上的矯頑場 (Hc) 為 28 ±5 Oe,然旁邊區域基板二氧化矽上的3.6 nm Fe的Hc約為 58 ±5 Oe,可看出矯頑場有明顯的差異(約30 Oe),之所以會有magnetic decoupling是由於鐵在不同基材上具有明顯的界面的磁各異向性。且也觀察到鈷鈀合金在二硫化鉬上也有類似的現象,在二硫化鉬上的鈷鈀合金(8 nm)的Hc為 52 ±3 Oe,旁邊的基板二氧化矽上的鈷鈀合金Hc 為 64 ±3 Oe,可得知鈷鈀合金上也會觀察到magnetic decoupling的現象。 最後,關於有機材料在二硫化鉬上的研究,隨著C60覆蓋度的增加,PL峰值從原本是二硫化鉬主導的1.83 eV變為C60主導的1.69 eV,此外在 C60/二硫化鉬這異質結構上證明了連續雷射會導致C60脫附。大約10 mW/µm2 的雷射功率就足以讓二硫化鉬薄片中的 20 nm C60脫附,所以可用這方法設計約為 500 nm微觀圖案。除了形態結構之外,還通過連續雷射誘導C60脫附的方法,來觀察在C60/二硫化鉬上微觀圖形的PL,關於上述在二維材料二硫化鉬基本研究(形貌,磁性,有機材料雕製微觀圖形),相信這對未來的二維材料的二硫化鉬自旋電子應用或元件設非常有幫助。In these theses, we deposited the FM materials (Fe, CoPd) and functional materials (Au, C60) on the molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) flakes and studied heterostructure influence with MoS2 flakes. Before deposition, we check the quality of MoS2 flakes by atomic force microscope (AFM), photoluminescence (PL), and Raman spectrum. The MoS2 flakes were produced on SiO2/Si(1 0 0) using chemical vapor deposition. In morphological, the CoPd nanoparticles congregate at the edge of MoS2 flake in HT (approximately ~500 k) growth, and the nanoparticles arranged parallel chain at the edge of each layer in multilayer MoS2. Moreover, we also observed the quenched phenomenon in PL spectra. These results indicated the flat HT-CoPd coverage (roughness ≤ ±0.5 nm) on a MoS2 plane. In contrast, at room temperature CoPd film grown on MoS2 is very rough (roughness ~±2 nm). About gold (2~8 nm) on the MoS2, we observed the height reversal phenomenon. Before the deposition, the height of the step from MoS2 flake to SiO2 is +0.66nm. After the Au deposition, the height reversal difference (about –1.0 to –3.5 nm) between the MoS2 flake and the SiO2 depends on the growth temperature and Au thickness. The reason for the height reversal phenomenon is the different growth modes of Au on theMoS2 and SiO2 surfaces.In magnetic property, the MoS2 Step (~0.66 nm) was thinner than the thickness of Fe or CoPd. Surprisingly, we observed the magnetic decoupling between FM materials (Fe, CoPd)/MoS2 and FM materials (Fe, CoPd)/SiO2. The magnetic coercivity (Hc) was 28 ±5 Oe on 3.6 nm Fe/MoS2. On the other hand, the Hc of 3.6 nm Fe/SiO2 was around 58 ±5 Oe. Because of the distinct interface magnetic anisotropy of Fe on different substrates. For the 8 nm CoPd/MoS2, the CoPd nanoparticles at MoS2/SiO2 step edge played a crucial role in magnetic domain pinning. Therefore, the Hc of CoPd/MoS2 is 52 ±3 Oe. On the contrary, the Hc of 8 nm CoPd/SiO2 was 64 ±3 Oe. Similarly, the Hc of the CoPd/MoS2 was smaller than that of CoPd/SiO2. Besides, we observed the hydrogenation effect of RT CoPd (8 nm)/MoS2 and CoPd (8 nm)/SiO2 inreversible Hc enhancement.Finally, we discussed the organic materials on MoS2. With the increase of C60 coverage on the MoS2, the PL peak changes from MoS2 dominated 1.83 eV to C60 dominated 1.69 eV. Furthermore, CW laser-induced local desorption was demonstrated on the C60/MoS2 heterostructure. The laser power of around 10 mW/µm2 is enough for the desorption of 20 nm C60 from a MoS2 flake and can be used to create designed patterns with a resolution around 500 nm. Besides the morphological structure, the patterned PLis also achieved onC60/MoS2 through CW laser-induced desorption of C60. In the above observation (such as morphology, magnetism, and patterning of organic materials), these results will provide valuable information for future applicationsof MoS2.二硫化鉬異質結構二硫化鉬磁性有機材料MoS2heterostructure/MoS2magneticorganic material二硫化鉬相關異質結構分析Heterostructures of two-dimensional material MoS2學術論文