鄭志富博士Dr.Cheng, Chih-fu陳史溱Chen, Shyy-jen2019-09-052007-7-122019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094132103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107454本研究旨在探討國軍野戰部隊基層官兵營區內之休閒參與情形、休閒阻礙及休閒設施需求。以某一聯兵旅基層連隊在營官兵588位為研究對象,進行問卷調查,所得數據經描述性統計、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後考驗等統計方法進行資料分析,得到以下結論: 一、野戰部隊基層連隊強調照表操課作息一致,靜態休閒設施多置於中山室,且開放使用不需花費,因此官兵在營區內之休閒現況上幾乎相同。另不同職務、學歷及性別的官兵,在休閒參與情形上則有顯著差異存在。 二、野戰部隊基層官兵,在營區內休閒參與的項目,以「看電視」最多,顯示官兵仍維持了當兵前之休閒習慣,另外電視為營區內最主要之對外訊息來源也是原因;官兵對營區休閒設施之需求,以「電腦遊戲」最多,對照官兵最常參與的休閒活動中卻無此項,顯示營區現有休閒設施與官兵實際需求仍有落差。 三、野戰部隊基層官兵,在休閒阻礙因素各界面,以「結構性阻礙」最高,子項因素則以「我想要的休閒設施不足」最強;另外,不同役別、階級、職務的官兵,在休閒阻礙上則有顯著差異。 四、綜上顯示野戰部隊基層官兵,在營區之休閒多偏向靜態活動,同時休閒設施明顯不足且不符官兵需要。 根據研究結論,本研究建議國軍相關政策單位,在規劃野戰部隊營區時,應一併將休閒設施納入,並多方徵詢官兵意見以符實需,同時參考歐美先進國家之規劃,提升國軍官兵休閒品質;另鼓勵官兵加強「運動健身類」休閒活動,以強壯官兵體能增強戰力。The purpose of this research was to probe the officers and soldiers at the company level of the field forces in our country for their participation, constraint and demand of the facilities in the leisure in the military camp. For a certain officer-soldier Combined Arms Brigade at the basic level company as the object to research, to go on questionnaire inves-tigation. The income data had been analyses statistically by descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's method. The conclusion were as the following: 1. The officers and soldiers at the company level of the field forces emphasized to drill and have the lessons after the timetable in accord with it to work and rest. Most of the quies-cent activities would be located in “the Hall of Zhongshan”, and it was free of charge to be used. Therefore the officers and soldiers in the military camp almost had the same programs of the recreation currently. However, for those with the different task, the edu-cational background and sexuality, there was obvious discrepancy for their participation in the recreation. 2. For 588 persons of the officers and soldiers at the company level of the field forces, the contents of their participation in the recreation, “Watching TV”was the most. It revealed that those officers and soldiers still retained the custom of the recreation before they en-rolled themselves in the army. Besides, it was also a reason that “TV” had been the ma-jor origin of external communication in the military camp. For the demand of the facili-ties in recreation in the camp, “Computer Games” was the most. But this item was not included in the recreation against that the officers and soldiers always participate in. It revealed that there was difference between the current facilities for recreation in the camp and the practical demand for the officers and soldiers. 3. For the officers and soldiers at the company level of the field forces in the constraint reasons of the leisure, “structual constraints” was the highest; “the Facilities of Leisure I Need with Insufficiency” was the strongest. there was a obviousdistinction in constraint for the recreation among some of the changeable backgrounds. 4. From the above findings, it meant that the officers and soldiers at the basic level com-pany of the field forces did the quiescent activities mostly. At the same time, the facili-ties of leisure were insufficient obviously and it was not in accord with the need for them. According to the conclusion of this study, the proposition to the relative policy units for the soldiers in our country was that during the planning for the camp of field forces, it was necessary to include the facilities of leisure, and sought the suggestions of the officers and soldiers in accord with the practical demand. At the same time, to consult the plans of the advanced countries in America and Europe; to improve the leisure quality of the offi-cers and soldiers of our country. To encourage them to strengthen the leisure activities of “the kind of sport and body-health”, and the capacity of the bodies for the officers and sol-diers would be strong, and their fighting ability would be strengthened.野戰部隊基層連隊休閒參與休閒阻礙field forcescompany levelleisure participationleisure constraint國軍野戰部隊基層連隊官士兵營區內休閒參與情形和休閒阻礙之研究The Research of the Participation and Constraint in the Leisure for the Soldiers at the Company Level of the Field Forces in the Camp