楊聰榮 博士Dr.Edwin Tsung-Rong Yang李子平Lee, Kyi- Ping2019-08-282016-02-232019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060080058I%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85293本文之研究首先是釐清緬甸果敢民族(Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race, ကိုးကန့်တိုင်းရင်းသား)的歷史問題。以歷史、社會學的視角,由緬甸果敢民族與緬甸聯邦共和國(Republic of the Union of Myanmar, )緬甸國家與果敢地區之歷史關係、各個族群之關係、與緬甸華人社會之關係,以及與中國的歷史之關係。 其次本研究整理緬甸果敢民族之民族歸屬問題,透過對《緬甸聯邦憲法》、《緬甸原著民族法》以及相關文獻之整理、分析,理清該族群在緬甸聯邦之民族歸屬,以及在《緬甸聯邦憲法》、《緬甸原著民族法》中,所享有的權利和政治地位,以及近年來該族群之政治趨勢與發展,為果敢族正名。 由上述果敢族的歷史發展、族群關係及現況,從該族群的禮俗文化中,探討果敢族所具有的華人性,禮俗文化是反映一個族群特性之所依,因此,本文最後是探討緬甸果敢民族之禮俗文化,集中研究於該族群的一些傳統禮俗文化、節慶活動、民間信仰、年節祭祀。並結合該族群在地化的殯葬禮儀,透過觀察該族群慶祝儀式、廟宇建築、民間祭祀活動方式,從中分析該族群文化現象所具有的華人文化特質。果敢民族的禮俗文化經過長期與緬甸各個族群文化的互動、融合後,所產生的一種新型文化現象,透過對這些文化現象之研究、分析。找出該族群禮俗文化中,所反映出華人文化移植之特性與文化現象。言明果敢民族現況為研究最終目標。 關鍵字:緬甸、族群、果敢民族、禮俗文化、華人性The purpose of my study is to clarify the history of Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race (Myanmar : ကိုးကန့်တိုင်းရင်းသား). With the perspective of history and sociology, I analyzed the subject with the other nations in Republic of the Union of Myanmar, social relation of Chinese people in Myanmar, and the relation with Chinese history, Myanmar and local history. I also sorted out the related literature review such as The Constitution Act of Republic Of The Union Of Myanmar and The Act of Indigenous People in Myanmar to acknowledge the sense of affiliation of Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race, Meanwhile, the development and the political trend of Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race recently were also analyzed through The Constitution Act of Republic Of The Union Of Myanmar and The Act of Indigenous People in Myanmar. Consequently, the study explored the folk customs of Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race such as traditional cultures, festivals, belief and annual ritual ceremony. Through the study of the local funeral ritual of Kokang, Chinese characteristics were observed on ethnical ceremony, the structure of temples, and the method of its folk ceremony. Through many years of the interaction, collaboration with other races, the acculturation has been generated, which reflected the Kokang’s unique characteristics of Chinese cultural phenomenon in Myanmar. Keywords : Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race, Ritual and Culture, Chineseness, Folk Customs, Myanmar緬甸族群果敢民族禮俗文化華人性Myanmar’s Kokang Minority RaceRitual and CultureChinesenessFolk CustomsMyanmar論緬甸果敢民族歷史、禮俗與華人性Chinese Features of Custom Culture on the Myanmar’s Kokang Minority Race