張武昌Dr. Vincent W. Chang劉淑惠Shu-hui Liu2019-09-032004-08-082019-09-032004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0211004%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97322本論文主旨在探討英文摘要寫作教學對台灣高中生英文讀寫能力之影響。特別針對學生在接受英文摘要教學前後,英文閱讀、寫作能力、摘要能力及其態度問卷的變化來分析。本研究以台北縣立安康高中四班高三學生共171人為研究對象,共分為實驗組 (89人) 及對照組 (82人)。在所有171名學生參加前測的摘要寫作測驗前,他們被安排先接受中文摘要測驗,以探討學生之中英文摘要能力之相關性。前測共包括三種測驗 (英文摘要、全民英檢中級程度之閱讀及寫作兩項能力測驗) 及一份態度問卷。隨後實驗組學生接受 Bean and Steenwyk (1984) 所提倡的Rule Governed Approach 逐一學習其中所列的摘要規則。三個月後實施後測,而後測項目及施行方式與前測相同。 本研究結果顯示 : (一)學生的中文摘要能力與英文摘要能力不相關。(二)在接受教學後實驗組學生的寫作成績與摘要成績呈現正相關。(三)實驗組在後測時不僅摘要表現比控制組好,其閱讀能力及寫作能力也較佳。(四)實驗組在後測時的閱讀,寫作及摘要表現都比其前測時的表現更好。(五)雖然在學測作文成績上兩組的差異無法達到顯著水準,但實驗組之分數是略高於控制組的。(六)在問卷的回答上,前測兩組無差異。後測時實驗組顯現出較正面的回答,而控制組大部份都以無意見為主要回答內容。 根據上述結果,本研究建議高中英文教師可在寫作教學課程中加入摘要寫作以訓練學生摘要之能力亦能增進學生閱讀及一般寫作之表現。惟本研究以研究者所教之學生為對象,局限於學生程度及施行時間,因此研究結果雖有參考價值,若欲據以推論其在不同學校與不同程度學生之教學應用,尚需進一步探究。This thesis explores the effectiveness of English summary writing instruction on the reading and writing abilities of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan. The present research attempts to offer comparison and analysis of the summary writing tasks, GEPT reading tasks, GEPT writing tasks, and the responses to the questionnaire in the pretest and posttest. One hundred and seventy-one students in the third year of An Kang Senior High School participated in this study, and were divided into the Experimental Group and the Control Group. Before the pretest, all the participants received a Chinese summary test. The pretest of the study mainly consisted of three tests (English summary task, Intermediate Level Tests on reading and writing abilities from GEPT) along with a questionnaire. Afterward, the Experimental Group received the instruction of summative skills based on the Rule Governed Approach as proposed by Bean and Steenwyk (1984). Three months later, both groups took the posttest. Several findings are revealed from the analysis of the results. First, it is found that the subjects’ Chinese summative abilities had no significant impact on their English summative abilities. Second, after the treatment, it is evident that the experimental subjects who got better scores in the GEPT writing tasks showed better performances in the summary writing tasks. Third, the results show that the experimental subjects did better than the control group not only in the reading comprehension abilities but also in their writing abilities, and more importantly, in their summative abilities as well. Fourth, it is observed that the experimental group showed noteworthy improvement in the posttest GEPT reading comprehension task. Besides, they also obtained better scores in the posttest GEPT writing task and the posttest summary writing task. Fifth, the findings indicate that the experimental group did obtain better scores in the JCEE compositions, though the significance did not achieve the acceptable significance level of 0.05. Last, in the pretest questionnaire, both groups showed no obvious differences in their responses. In the posttest questionnaire, the experimental group demonstrated more positive attitudes toward the summary writing process while the control group showed no such preference. Based on the findings, the researcher suggests that EFL senior high school teachers in Taiwan consider the possibility of incorporating the instruction of this approach in the writing class. The summary writing instruction administered in this study can be a viable approach to not only help polish students’ summative abilities but also help improve their reading and writing abilities. It should be noted, however, that the study was executed in only one senior high school and the students’ proficiency and the duration of treatment time are limited; therefore, it is not appropriate to over-generalize, and the results of the study should not be deemed applicable to all senior high school students here in Taiwan.摘要寫作寫作教學Summary WritingWriting Instruction英文摘要寫作教學對台灣高中生英文讀寫能力之影響A Study on the Effects of English Summary Writing Instruction on Taiwanese Senior High School Students’ Reading and Writing Abilities