柯惠菁曾亮銘Hui-Ching KoLiang-Ming Tseng2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16755本文旨在回顧全國特殊教育資訊網近20年的發展成果並展望未來的發展,首先介紹過去草創建置時期四個階段面臨的困難和因應方法,其次提到穩定發展和蓬勃發展新增網站系統功能和改版之過程,之後說明目前執行概況,包括網站架構和系統設備,最後建議結合資訊科技新技術並整合特教相關網站。The purpose of the article was to review the development of the National Special Education Information Network in the recent twenty years, and to explore the future development. The authors mentioned the challenges and solutions in the four stages of constructing period, and further provided the process of facilitating new website function and system. The author also explained the current website structure and server systems. Lastly, suggestions of implementing new information technology and reorganizing functions of special education websites, were provided.特殊教育網站special education website全國特殊教育資訊網的回顧與展望The Past, Current and Future of National Special Education Information Network