闕月清 博士Keh Nyit Chin陳慧如Hui-Ju Chen2019-09-052011-7-232019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694300131%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105638地板滾球課程對輕度智能障礙兒童口語溝通與身體活動能力影響之個案研究 日期:2008年1月                 研 究 生:陳慧如                          指導教授:闕月清 摘要 本研究旨在探討地板滾球課程之介入,對輕度智能障礙兒童之口語溝通與身體活動能力影響。研究參與對象為就讀國小六年級普通班之一位輕度智能障礙兒童,研究方法採個案實驗研究法,自變項為地板滾球課程,依變項為口語溝通能力及身體活動能力;量化的研究工具有文蘭適應行為量表、修正式文蘭適應行為類目觀察表,本研究實施十週地板滾球課程介入實驗教學,教學情境為一對一個別教學,並針對參與研究者進行觀察,將量化資料以簡易線形圖分析、視覺分析。質性的研究工具有研究者日誌、參與觀察者日誌、訪談資料及相關文件,以持續比較法及三角檢測法進行分析,加以歸納整理。本研究結果如下:(一)地板滾球課程能增進輕度智能障礙兒童之口語溝通能力;(二)地板滾球課程能增進輕度智能障礙兒童之身體活動能力;(三)地板滾球課程受到正面的肯定,導師、體育教師、特教老師、家長、智能障礙學童及其同儕,對地板滾球課程均持肯定認同的看法。根據本研究結果,提出相關建議,供體育教師、師資培育單位及未來研究參考之用。 關鍵詞:地板滾球、智能障礙兒童、口語溝通、身體活動The effects of Bocce Program on verbal communication and physical activity abilities of children with mild intellectual disability: A case study Master’s Thesis, January, 2008 Hui-Ju Chen Advisor: Keh Nyit Chin, Ph. D. Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Bocce Program on verbal communication and physical activity abilities of children with mild intellectual disability. The participant was a sixth grade elementary student with mild intellectual challenges. Single-case experimental design was used for the research. The independent variable of this study was Bocce program. The dependent variable of this study was verbal communication and physical activity abilities. The study was conducted for 10 weeks with Bocce program. The “Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales” and “the improved observations of Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales category check list” were used to collect quantitative data. Keeping research and observe journal, formal and informal interview, and the other related document were used to collect qualitative data. The quantitative data were analyzed by simple line graph and visual analysis. The qualitative data were analyzed by constant comparative and triangulation method. The results of this study were as followings: (1) Bocce program was effective in improving the verbal communication abilities on children with mild intellectual disability. (2) Bocce program was effective in improving the physical activity abilities on children with mild intellectual disability. (3) Bocce program was accepted by mentor, physical education teacher, special education teacher, parents and students as an effective instructional strategy. The findings of this study could be used by physical education teachers, teacher education related units and researchers for reference. Keywords: Bocce, children with intellectual disability, verbal communication, physical activity地板滾球智能障礙兒童口語溝通身體活動Boccechildren with intellectual disabilityverbal communicationphysical activity地板滾球課程對輕度智能障礙兒童口語溝通與身體活動能力影響之個案研究The effects of Bocce Program on verbal communication and physical activity abilities of children with mild intellectual disability:A case study