李明芬Li, Ming-Fen黃婉蕙Huang, Wan-Huei2019-08-292018-08-282019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060002025E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92079「學校」作為正規環境教育的教學場域,是推動環境教育的重要基礎,然而環境教育的發展,除了正規環境教育系統外,仍須與非正規環境教育系統共同合作、發揮特性,才能創造最佳的效果,「自然中心」的存在無疑提供了環境教育一項立意良善的選擇。對於學校教師而言,自然中心是協助學校進行環境教育非常重要的外部資源,提供專業的環境教育方案、師資與服務,讓教師得以更容易將環境教育融入學校本位領域課程進行教學。   本研究採用個案研究法,以關渡自然中心「高蹺鴴到您家」個案為例,透過田野觀察、訪談與文件分析等方法,探究關渡自然公園與學校推動環境教育時,如何突破固有疆界和本位主義的限制,在正規教育和非正規環境教育攜手合作之下,主動將自然中心課程方案的特色推廣至各小學教學現場,互補學校正規環境教育教學功能上的不足,為環境教育的傳播與連結,創造更多的可能性。   本研究發現「到校服務」打破自然中心原有的孤立封閉型態,讓關渡自然公園的人力與教學資源進駐校園,主動吸引顧客青睞,這樣的方式除了能夠提供師生與學校課程有所連結的學習單元,引導師生對於相關環境議題的了解之外,在實施的歷程中,教學團隊也可以逐一去熟悉北部地區各校的校園環境生態及環境教育實施品質,開拓自然中心與學校在環境教育協作交流上的契機。   一期一會的到校服務,雖然玩出一種新典範,但後續仍需思考的是如何強化本方案的獨特賣點與教學品質,讓學校團體能在可供選擇的眾多環教產品中,看見萬綠叢中,獨特的一點紅;並注重維持和學校教師事前和事後的關係與交流,以延續教育活動的效果,畢竟環境教育是一門跨科技連結的知識體系,唯有志同道合的夥伴們攜手合作,才能逐步實現教育的願景。The best learning of environmental education is to integrate the strengths and resources of both formal and informal systems. While“school” has been regarded as the important field of formal environmental education, “Natural Center”always provides a good choice of informal environmental education for the public.It is expected that the specialized environmental education programs designed by the natural center and their related human resources could support the school teachers to integrate environmental education into school curriculum, which in turn helps diffuse the service of the natural center in the formal education system.   The research adopted the case study method, taking the program of Guandu Natural Park“The black-winged stilt goes to your family” as an example. In this research, field observation, interviewing and document analysis were used to inquire the collaboration between Guandu Natural Park and sixteen primary schools.   How they resoled the constraints of departmentalism to create possibilities for bridging formal and informal environmental education is the main focus. Through a series of in-depth interviews with the school teachers and the staff of the natural park, it is found that the manpower and teaching resources of the natural park facilitate the school teaching while the demand of “School Service” enhanced a closer linkage between Guandu Natural Park and its school partners. Through such partnership, the school teachers and students, and the program team members cultivated deeper understanding of their living ecology and enriched both school curriculum and the program itself. It also created a new collaborative model for enhancing both the teaching quality of formal environmental education and the public service of informal environmental education.環境教育自然中心非正規環境教育關渡自然公園到校服務environmental educationNatural Centerinformal environmental educationGuandu Natural Parkschool service自然中心與學校之環境教育協作歷程探究-以關渡自然公園「高蹺鴴到您家」個案為例Study on the Collaboration of the Natural Center and Primary School for Enhancing Environmental Education ─ “The Black-Winged Stilt goes to Your Family” Program of Grandu Natural Park