曾淑賢Tseng Shu-hsien張秀蓮CHANG, HSIU-LIEN2019-08-282012-2-102019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095153115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89104圖書館專業人才的培育,是發展圖書館事業不可或缺的要件之一。隨著時代變遷及社會環境變動,公共圖書館的經營理念和服務型態亦隨之改變,因應圖書館服務之變化,館員面對各項資訊與讀者之需求,在專業知能上應有更進一步之提升,故館員教育訓練益顯重要。 本研究主要在探討臺北市立圖書館及上海圖書館二所公共圖書館對於館員教育訓練之比較。為達到研究之目的,首先蒐集有關文獻及理論以作為研究架構之參考,再以訪談法瞭解公共圖書館對於館員訓練的規劃、實施方式並經由「公共圖書館館員參與教育訓練之意見調查問卷」蒐集及分析館員對於參與訓練的看法與需求,最後提出研究發現及研究建議,以期提供其他公共圖書館辦理館員教育訓練之參考及後續研究之方向。 研究結果摘錄如下: (一)教育訓練均有制定訓練計畫,並定期進行檢討修正。惟在人員訓練時數之規定及實際參訓時數部分各有不同。 (二)有專責單位或人員負責館員教育訓練之規劃。 (三)在訓練的動機方面,二館分別以「因業務需要」及「提高個人知能」比例最高。 (四)教育訓練課程結束後,均透過問卷方式進行意見調查。 (五)在館員參加教育訓練的方式方面,均以實體課程比例最高。 (六)在參加教育訓練成效的看法部分,在「改善工作技能」、「績效會更高」及「滿足個人的求知慾」北市圖贊同度較高;在「培養及發現個人才能」、「館內的地位會提升」及「獲得升遷的機會上有助益」上圖贊同度較高。One of the major and necessary ways for public library development is professional cultivation. Operation idea and service model of public library will be changed following the era and society environment transition. In order to meet the differentiation of library service, librarian needs to increase information literacy to fulfill reader service and information absorption ability requirement. So, librarian education and training is becoming far more important. The purpose of the study is to investigate the comparison of librarian education and training between Taipei Public Library (TPL) and Shanghai Library (SL) libraries. Research course is starting with documentary and thesis study to construct the basic research framework. Then, interview method is followed to understand librarian education program and how the way to do it. There after, goes thru 「Questionnaire of Librarian Education Participation of Public Library」to collect and analysis the opinion and requirement of librarian for education participation. And finally, result is presented and suggestion is proposed which can be used as the reference for other public library to develop librarian education program or as one of the ways to do the further research. The result of this research is summarized as following: 1.Each library has education and training program, and is verified periodically. But the required and actually got total hour for the training is different. 2.Dedicated unit or person is authorized to charge of librarian education and training program. 3. The highest proportion for motivation of training is「service need」and「personal competence enhancement」for each library. 4. A questionnaire is surveyed after the training course. 5. The most popular way for librarian to attend the training course is thru physical training for each library. 6. The most popular way for librarian to attend the training course is thru physical training for each library. Keywords:Taipei Public Library, Shanghai Library, Education and training, Training, Continuing education, Public library臺北市立圖書館上海圖書館教育訓練培訓繼續教育公共圖書館Tapei Public LibraryShanghai LibraryEducation and TrainingTrainingContinuing EducationPublic Library臺北市立圖書館及上海圖書館館員教育訓練之比較研究Comparative Study on Librarian Education and Training of Taipei Public Library and Shanghai Library