國立臺灣師範大學英語學系陳浩然林至誠陳昭珍程玉秀陳秋蘭2015-03-312015-03-312013/06-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44844外語能力是作為國際溝通的重要媒介,其教育成果對一國之國際發展有舉足輕重的 地位,而外語教育之成敗又與其課程發展和教材教法息息相關。為深入理解英(外)語課 程發展與教材教法的研究理論背景,並良好地融合理論與教學實務,研究者與教師須 透過大量閱讀書籍以汲取所需知識。國立臺灣師範大學英語系作為國內英語教學研究 的重鎮,自創系 50 餘年來已累積不少相關藏書,但與國外著名大學相比,書籍藏量仍 顯不足;而隨著英(外)語能力愈受學術界的重視,不但各種理論推陳出新地出現,在環 境變遷的情境下,不同時空背景對英(外)語課程的發展方向、教材設計、教學方法等都 會有所影響,而近十年出版之相關書籍也快速成長,其中不乏對外語教育研究與實際 教學有助益的重要書籍。倘若國內能夠擴充相關語言教育圖書資源的藏量,勢必能加 倍提升台灣外語教學研究者與教師之學理知識,並將知識運用在實際的教學現場中。 有鑑於此,臺灣師範大學擬以此圖書規劃計畫廣納相關書籍之藏量,並透過各次領 域中具備專業知識與研究學養的學者推薦,挑選出切合主題之書籍以提供國內語言教 育研究發展所需之豐沛且優良的圖書資源。本計畫為一年期購書計畫,以語言教學研 究領域中的課程發展以及教材教法為主題,依據本系既有之師資、研究成果、發展特 色及人才培育方向為基礎,針對課程發展理論、專業英語課程、外語課程評鑑、教材 研發、字彙教學方法、聽力教學方法、口語教學方法、閱讀教學方法、寫作教學方法 為重點,購置相關的優良圖書及參考研究資料,以完備臺灣師範大學在此一領域既有 之館藏,建立完善的研究資源及本系特有之研究特色,成為台灣在語言教學課程發展 與教材教法之研究重鎮與國外學術交流之重要橋樑,並經由校際圖書交流的協助,促 進圖書資源之流通與共享,提升國內外語教育學術研究的層級。Foreign language competence has long been recognized as the key for international communication, and foreign language education plays a pivotal role in determining a nation’s development. The success of foreign language education depends much on the quality of curriculum design, teaching materials, and teaching methods. Teachers and researchers thus need to read extensively to gain essential professional knowledge. With the adequate knowledge, they can help to improve the quality curriculum design, teaching materials, and teaching methods. To advance language professionals’ knowledge, it is necessary to build up a fine collection of books and journals on curriculum design, teaching materials, and teaching/learning methods. Although some collections on these themes have been accumulated in Taiwan, the quality of collection is still insufficient compared to those in the world’s leading universities. Many excellent books on the related themes are not acquired in Taiwan. In addition, with the advancement of various theories and the emergence of new ones, the numbers of new publications on curriculum design and teaching materials/methods are increasing rapidly. These new publications might benefit researchers, material writers, and language teachers with new visions on advancing foreign language education in Taiwan. To enhance language professionals’ knowledge and understanding of foreign language education, National Taiwan Normal University aims to collect fine publications on curriculum design and teaching materials/methods. This one-year Acquisition Project focuses on the theme of curriculum development, teaching materials, and teaching methods of foreign language education. The research interests and publications of the existing faculty in the Department of English at National Taiwan Normal University, along with its future visions of departmental development and student education, lay the groundwork for this project. This project targets on nine sub-topics of foreign language education: curriculum development theory, curriculum of English for specific purpose, foreign language curriculum evaluation, teaching materials development, and teaching/learning methods of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This project aims to build up a top-notch library collection on the study of the aforementioned topics in language education, and to facilitate resource circulation as well as advance academic research on foreign language education.補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題NSC-Funded Library Acquisition Project: Language Education語言教育-課程設計與教材教法Curriculum Design, Teaching Materials, and Teaching Methods