陳延輝 博士蔡濬宇2019-08-282005-6-222019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000166%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85795本論文「中央民意代表區域性服務處」之研究,其研究由此開始探索之:壹、研究動機與目的、範圍與限制、方法與架構、文獻檢閱、相關名詞。貳、選區服務與基本論述、立委選區與服務處主體的認定、選區服務的意義與基本論述、選區服務供需基本論述、選區服務與個人選票關係。參、區域性服務處的組織架構的服務處之形成、服務處工作內容的分析、選民服務之分析、票源開發之分析。肆、區域性服務處的服務功能之計劃性協助之服務功能、社會救濟之服務服務功能、個案之服務功能、服務處與立委與選民和公部門以及和私部門五角關係之互動功能之探討。伍、研究發現與建議對於默默於地方上扮演著主持社會正義的「第二政府」之區域性服務處,也應給予適當的定位。 本論文於各章節中,筆者借用親自所服務之各別不同的實際個案,以第一手之文獻為附表佐證來呈現,判讀公部門、私部門、民意代表、選民與服務處五角的互動關係,以及服務處居中所扮演的角色,和服務處在整個服務過程對於社會正面的功能、在服務需求上對選民各種服務成果的功能、在立委連任需求上對選票開發的功能的表現,以及社會給予的定位和福利保障探討。“Research on Regional Representative Office of Legislator” contains the following chapters: 1. Objective of the research, researching area and the limitation, approach and structure, references, related terms; 2. Voting area service, fundamental dissertator, identity of legislator voting area and regional representative office, purpose of voting area service and fundamental dissertator, fundamental dissertator of demand and supply of voting area service, relationship of voting area service and individual voters; 3. Organizational structure of regional representative office: formation of regional representative office, analysis of work content of regional representative office, analysis of voter service, analysis of votes increase; 4. service function of regional representative office: planned assistance, social welfare, cases, research on interaction between between regional representative office, legislator, voters, government and enterprises(the five angular relationship); 5. Research result and suggestion that regional representative office which is silently play the role of “secondary government” to maintain the social justice should be well-positioned. The writer users various voter service cases executed by herself, the primary information as evidence across chapters to define relationships between regional representative office, legislator, voters, government and enterprises(the five angular relationship), the role which regional representative office play in between, the positive impact that regional representative office has through out the whole servicing processes, and the functionality that regional representative office has delivered to voters based on their service demand, how regional representative office contributes to votes increase for legislator’s re-election campaign as well as research on it’s identity.民意代表區域性組織架構中央民意代表區域性服務處組織架構與功能之研究-以台北縣立委李應元任內之服務處為例-Research on Regional Representative Office of Legislator-- Take Jointed Regional Representative Office of Legislator Wang Sing-Nan& Li Ying-Yuan for example