柯皓仁Ke, Hao-Ren許瓊惠Hsu, Chiung-Hui2019-08-282017-02-192019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003153103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88960近年來公共圖書館發展事業受到中央及各縣市政府之重視,不論在空間、服務內容上,均展現出與過去傳統公共圖書館不同之樣態,國立公共資訊圖書館(以下簡稱國資圖)除總館成立之初,吸引大量人潮參觀外,辦證人數、借閱人次及借閱冊數逐年有趨緩之勢,本研究旨在了解國資圖的使用者使用目的與方式、對於使用者生活之成效、作為第三場域之影響,並進一步探究民眾不使用國資圖的原因。 研究發現,國資圖的使用者以臺中市地區的民眾為主,女性多於男性,單身、學生占多數,年齡介於19至34歲為主要使用族群,使用方式仍以傳統圖書館借閱圖書為主要目的。以參觀為目的的民眾逐漸減少,越來越多的使用者為常到館利用之高度使用者,而大部分民眾並不會太長時間停留在國資圖館內。大部分的使用者認為國資圖在提供各項知識、技能的學習活動;完成學校作業、工作或專業需求目標;提供健康、醫療資訊以及提供良好豐富的文學小說類圖書及影片對其幫助最大。 國資圖符合平等主義、方便可及的、樸實的、愉快的氣氛以及家之外的家等5個第三場域特徵,其與國資圖之成效評估具有相關緊密的關連性。另外,國資圖的非使用者不使用國資圖的原因多為個人因素。最後,依本研究結果提出建議提供國資圖規劃服務之參考。The centraland local government have paid more and more attention to the development of public libraries. The spaces and services of library have transformed in an innovative way. At the beginning of the establishment of the NLPI, it appeals a crowd of people. However, the number of users, registered readers, the number of loans and borrowings is gradually decreasing by year. In order to understand the users of NLPI, this study analyzed the goals and the ways of library usage, the effect to user’s life, the impact of NLPI as a third place and the reason why users do not use NLPI. This study found out that users of NLPI are mainly residents of Taichung city district. Female surpass male. The majority of users are single and students, and the age of main users range from 19 to 34. The way of usage is mainly still checking in/out books. The number of travel-oriented users is going down, and there are more and more heavy users frequently coming to library. Besides, most people do not stay for a long time in NLPI. Most users consider that knowledge and skill learning activities, support for accomplishing homework and project, offering healthy and medical information, providing fictions and movies benefits them most. NLPI conform to five characteristics of the third place including “the third place as leveler”, “accessibility and accommodation”, “low profile”, “the mood is playful” and “a home away from home”. NLPI as a third place is highly correlated with effectiveness evaluation of NLPI. Besides, the primary reason why non-users do not use NLPI is personal reasons. At last, the suggestion for the future planning of NLPI service is proposed according to the result of this study.第三場域成效評估非使用者公共圖書館使用頻率third placeeffectiveness evaluationnon-userpublic libraryusage frequency國立公共資訊圖書館作為第三場域與非使用者研究A Study on National Library of Public Information as Third Place and Its Non-users