張俊彥Chun-yen Chang劉長庚Chang-keng Liu2019-09-052014-07-312019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697450212%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104692中學生對於「直線運動」的基本概念是相當模糊,亦容易混淆位移、速度、加速度這些物理量代表的意義,而造成學生學習困難的原因,很可能是因為學生在學習這些物理量,特別是位移、速度與加速度間的轉換時,需要同時運用大量的工作記憶以進行概念暫存、概念轉換等心智活動。近年來,數位學習領域的研究顯示,動態呈現方式有助於學生降低認知負荷。研究者認為,若教學者將位移、速度、加速度等相關物理量以動態的方式呈現,很可能可以有效降低學習者認知負荷,並提升學習成效。本研究的目的即在於利用心智負荷量表與心智努力量表評估學習者使用動態或靜態呈現方式學習X-t圖與V-t圖時的心智狀態,並與學習成就比對,以探討動態與靜態學習方式對不同先備知識程度的學習者在學習成就及心智狀態的差異。希冀研究結果能提供教育實務上,有關如何幫助學生進行更有效的學習X-t圖與V-t圖的相關資訊。 本研究發現(1)動態圖形確實可以幫助學習者學習(F(1,153)=8.911,p=.003,f=0.24)。如果以先備知識程度將學生分組,則發現動態圖形學習對高先備知識學習者效果最佳(d=0.44),低先備知識次之(d=0.26),對於中等先備知識學習者效果最小(d=0.10)。(2)動態或靜態的呈現方式對學習者的學習興趣則沒顯著影響(t(1,153)=-1.93, p=.055,d=0.31)。(3)動態圖形確實可以有效的降低學習者的心智負荷(t(1,153)=-7.75, p=.000,d=1.25),並(4)降低學習者的心智努力(t(1,153)=-2.82, p=.006,d=0.45),顯示學習者可以使用更少的心智努力就可以達到一樣甚至更佳的學習成就。 最後,我們利用迴歸分析發現動態圖形與靜態圖形的學習方式,對學習者的學習成就有不同的影響,動靜態呈現方式在學習成就的方程式分別為: 靜態:學習成就=0.526×先備知識-0.374×心智負荷+0.221×心智努力 動態:學習成就=0.594×先備知識-0.192×心智努力 由上方可知靜態圖學習組學習者的學習成就為先備知識輔以較低的心智負荷,與學習者付出心智努力,這個結果似乎與符合我們的預期。但是使用動態圖形學習時,卻變成先備知識然後少量的心智努力,顯示心智負荷不再是影響學習成就的重要因素,且學習者僅需要付出少許量的心智努力。Junior high school student’s basic concepts in “linear motion” is vague. They are confused about the meaning of displacement, velocity and acceleration. The reason that causes students hard to learn is because that when students leran those phasics,especially in transformation of displacement, speed, acceleration, students need lots of working memory to do mental activities such as storation or transformation of those concepts. In recent years, several e-learning studies have shown that dynamic presentation helps students to reduce cognitive load. Researchers believe that if we present displacement, velocity, acceleration and other related physical in a dynamic method, it is possible to reduce the cognitive load and prmote effectiveness.The target of this study is that useing mental effort rating-scale and mental load rating-scale to measure learners’ mental status when they learn X-t and V-t material by using dynamic or static presentation , and we also compared their achievements. I hope the results help students learn X-t graphics and V-t graphics more effectively. This research found that(1) dynamic graphics improved learners’ performances, students in dynamic graphics group performed better than students in static graphics groups significantly with respect to academic performance (F(1,153)=8.911,p=.003,f=0.24). If we divided student in three groups according to their prior knowledge, we found that dynamic graphics have the best effect on high prior knowledge learners (d=0.44), medium effect on low prior knowledge learners (d=0.26), and less effect on medium prior knowledge learners (d=0.10). (2) The presenting methods have low effect on learners(t(1,153)=-1.93, p=.055,d=0.31). (3) Dynamic graphics can reduce the learners’ mental loadt(1,153)=-7.75, p=.000,d=1.25), and (4) the learner's mental effort (t(1,153)=-2.82, p=.006,d=0.45). It is shown that students can use less mental effort and resource to achieve the same or better achievements. Finally, we used regression analysis to find that learners learnd by using dynamic or static graphics were different in achievement. When learners used dynamic and static graphics, the two groups lof earners’ achievement equation were shown as : Static graphs group: Achievement = 0.526 × prior knowledge -0.374 ×mental load +0.221 ×mental effort Dynamic graphs group: Achievement = 0.594 × prior knowledge -0.192 ×mental effort The equation revealed that the achievements of static group learners required more prior knowledge, less mental load and more mental effort, which is consistent with our expectations.When learners learned with dynamic graphics, more prior knowledge and less mental effect are needed, it is shown that mental load isn’t the key factor to effect learners’ achievements, it is also shown that learners just took less mental effort.認知負荷動態圖形直線運動Cognitive loadDynamic graphicsLinear motion探討動靜態圖對於八年級學生學習X-t與V-t圖的影響Exploring the effects of dynamic and static graphs on 8th grade students’ learning of X-t and V-t graphs.