胡心慈Hu, Shin-Tzu雷嗣益LEI, Shih-Yi2020-12-142020-08-182020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060309012E%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110361摘要 本研究是採用質性研究的方法,從生涯的觀點探討自閉症者之復原力的歷程,透過半結構之深入訪談的方式,訪談一位輕症自閉症者與其家人,從中探究其成長、求學到進入職場穩定就業的復原力歷程。研究資料的蒐集方式主要是深入訪談,並輔以與研究參與者互動而得之其他資料。  透過研究者為期半年的訪談、資料蒐集、資料分析以及內容詮釋,研究者將以生命故事的方式,一步一步來呈現自閉症者今昔的經驗故事與進入職場的就業歷程,並且進一步找出其復原力的關鍵因素。本研究以一位個案進行討論,不適宜擴大推論,主要發現歸納如以下三點: 一、 自閉症者和我們一樣,離開校園之後有穩定就業的需求,但他們更需要透過雙向的溝通和理解,才能順利走入職場進而被肯定、包容和接納,這樣的過程需要家庭和社區多面向的支持與合作。 二、 透過自閉症者在環境互動中對自我信心的建立,將有助於其在遭遇艱困環境時更容易從逆境中復原,也更能以正向態度重新認知過往的挫敗經驗,進而更積極的面對工作中之挑戰。 三、 自閉症者穩定就業之關鍵在於,家庭正向信念的支持、社會適應能力的提升、工作型態符合其障礙特質以及公司內部有系統之就業培訓歷程。 末了,研究者也提出了相關建議,期望可供後續研究之參考。Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the resilience and stable employment process on an adult with mild autism spectrum disorder. Data collection was through depth interviews, manuscript, records, and contact with the investigator. Over a half -year interview, data collection, analysis and interpretation, this study presents the background stories of an autistic adult, and further finds out key points of the resilience. The main finding of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The people with autism, have a need for stable employment after leave campus, they can successfully get the job throughout understanding and communication between families and communities. 2. Through the establishment of self-confidence in environment, it can help autism adult recover from difficult circumstances, and re-recognize the past experience with a positive mind. 3. The ways to stable employment is the family positive beliefs, the improvement of social adaptability, the type of work, and the systematic employment training process within the company. According to the results of the study and findings, researcher provide a suggestion for the future studies.穩定就業輕症自閉症復原力stable employmentmild autismresilience力爭上游-一位穩定就業的輕症自閉症者之復原力研究A Study of Resilience on an Adult with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder with Stable Employment