丁仁Jen Ting唐婉玲Wan-Ling Tang2019-09-032018-8-222019-09-032013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699210379%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97834本篇論文主要研究不同類型的現代漢語處所倒裝結構。本研究顯示,在此結構中,前置處所詞可以是名詞片語亦或介系詞片語。當前置處所詞若為名詞片語時,在句法表現上,和一般主詞相似;若為介系詞片語時,在句法表現上,則與一般主詞截然不同。基於處所名詞片語和介系詞片語在句法上表現不同,我們認為它們在句法結構的位置亦不同。處所介系詞片語可以選擇停留在動詞前毗鄰的位置,亦或移至句首邊緣位置; 而處所名詞片語則佔據句法主詞的位置。 不同於英文的動詞,漢語的動詞在論旨角色的選擇上更為自由。我們同意HLL(2009)的理論中所提出漢語的詞彙動詞中可以只選擇詞根,而不選輕動詞,所有在詞根語義中的參與者資訊都有可能進入句法操作,實現為論元。然而,不同於HLL (2009)的理論,我們認為,論旨角色在句法實現上,仍然必須遵守論元層級。我們主張,在漢語處所倒裝結構中,處所在論元層級中高於客體,因此進入句法操作時,處所詞佔據句法結構中較高的主詞位置,而客體則佔據賓語的位置。本篇論文目的在於提出一個統合的句法分析,探討現代漢語處所倒裝結構。研究結果支持詞彙學派,論元結構是由詞彙動詞的語意,而非由句法來決定的。In this thesis, we investigate different types of Mandarin locative inversion construction (LIC). Different from English locative inversion, Mandarin LIC is not associated with discourse function of presentational focus. In Mandarin LIC, the preverbal locative phrase can be represented as either PP or DP. A locative DP displays several subject-like properties whereas a locative PP does not. Given the asymmetry between locative PPs and DPs, we argue that locative DPs and PPs have different syntactic structures. It is proposed that a locative PP can choose either to stay at preverbal VP-adjoined position or to raise to the CP periphery position, with an empty expletive occupying the grammatical subject position. In contrast, being nominal and showing subject properties, a locative DP lands in the grammatical subject position in Mandarin LIC. We argue that Mandarin LIC is derived by the mapping of location and theme to the syntax, subject to a given thematic hierarchy. We assume with HLL (2009) that Mandarin lexical verbs can choose not to have any light verb in the lexical specification, allowing more flexible semantic relations. However, the semantic relations are not as free as expected by HLL’s theory. Contra HLL (2009), we claim that the mapping of participants to the syntax follows thematic hierarchy even when the lexical verb takes a Lv-less option. Given that location is ranked above theme in thematic hierarchy, a locative DP is mapped to the grammatical subject position and a theme DP to the grammatical subject position in Mandarin LIC. This study provides a unified analysis for different types of Mandarin LIC and argues for the lexicalist view that the argument structure of a verb is determined by the lexicon, rather than by the syntax.處所倒裝論元實現論元層級詞彙語意locative inversionargument realizationthematic hierarchylexical semantics論現代漢語處所倒裝結構之句法分析On the Syntax of the Locative Inversion Construction in Mandarin Chinese