洪儷瑜博士陳美芳博士張郁雯博士HUNG, LI YU吳怡潔Wu,Yi Chieh2019-08-282007-8-222019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692090079%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91787本研究旨在探討「閱讀簡單觀點模式」所衍伸三項方程式何者最能解釋台灣中文學童及閱讀理解困難學童之閱讀理解能力情形;並探討識字流暢性成分加入「閱讀簡單觀點模式」之必要性。 本研究採用教育部特殊教育工作小組於民國九十三年委託國立中央大學柯華葳執行之「中文閱讀障礙診斷測驗編制計畫」全國常模資料庫內台灣北、中、南區之三到八年級共931名學童為樣本。本研究並選取資料庫內之常見字流暢性測驗(洪儷瑜等人,2006)、聽覺理解測驗(陳美芳,2006)以及國小二-六年級閱讀理解測驗二-六年級閱讀篩選測驗、國民中學閱讀篩選測驗(柯華威,2006)等數項測驗結果,以皮爾遜相關分析、簡單迴歸分析、多元迴歸分析及調節性迴規分析進行資料分析與解釋。主要發現如下: 一、「閱讀簡單觀點模式」三項延伸方程式在預測全體學童及閱讀理解困難學童之閱讀理解所提供的解釋量皆達到統計顯著;其中相乘方程式可說明識字解碼與語言理解兩項成分間對於閱讀理解能力影響力之交互關係。因此以相乘方程式為最佳方程式。 二、以「閱讀簡單觀點模式」解釋學童閱讀相關能力的表現情形結果發現,隨年級增長,全體學童之識字解碼與語言理解,以及兩者與閱讀理解能力的關係皆更為密切。 三、按照「閱讀簡單觀點模式」將閱讀理解困難學童依據其識字解碼及語言理解能力分為四種類型,其中兩項能力皆困難類型學童占多數;隨年級增長,識字解碼困難類型及語言困難類型學童人數漸漸減少,而兩項能力皆困難學童則逐漸增加。 四、「閱讀簡單觀點模式」方程式加入識字流暢性成分之必要性部分,結果顯示識字流暢性與閱讀理解能力的相關很高,但未能顯著提升最佳方程式對於閱讀理解之解釋力;因此不支持以單獨一項成分的型態納入「閱讀簡單觀點模式」方程式。   本研究並針對限制及研究結果,提出未來研究及教學的建議。The purpose of this study was to examine which of the 3 formulae derived from the Simple View of Reading would explain the relation between decoding, language comprehension and reading comprehension the most. The other purpose was to investigate the fitness of addition of the word fluency in the Simple View of Reading. There were 931 students from the third to eighth grades in Taiwan. The poor readers will be selected by the reading comprehension test scored below percentile 25th. Participants were given a battery of tests including decoding, listening comprehension and reading comprehension tests. The data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis and moderated regression analysis. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1.All of the formulae accounted for the variance of reading comprehension of all students and the poor readers significantly. The results support R=DxL to be the best formulae of three. 2.From the Simple View of Reading, the results show that the correlations between decoding, listening comprehension and reading comprehension increase by grade. 3.Poor readers are classified into four subtypes by decoding and language comprehension. The biggest sub-group of four is the garden-variety poor readers who are poor in both decoding and comprehension. The subtypes of the poor decoders and the poor comprehendors were getting less and less by grade. 4.The correlation between fluency and reading comprehension is rather high, but fluency itself was not a significant independent predictor. Thus, fluency is unable to be a single variable in the formula of Simple View of Reading. According the findings, the limitations of this study and the recommendations to further research and practical implementations were made.簡單閱讀觀點模式閱讀理解識字解碼語言理解閱讀理解困難simple view of reading modelreading comprehensiondecodinglanguage comprehensionpoor reader「閱讀的簡單觀點模式」在中文一般及閱讀理解困難學童之驗證研究The Study of the Simple View of Reading in Chinese students in Taiwan