宋威德Sung, Wei-Te唐祖琪Tang, Tsu-Chi2024-12-172025-02-012024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/4442e31a26be5dfd7071359089c645e1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123882《向大師致敬》(Hommages) 系列作品已成為現今單簧管演奏者必學曲目,由匈牙利演奏家、作曲家貝拉.柯瓦契 (Béla Kovács, 1937-2021) 於1994年所譜寫。此作品共向九位音樂史上偉大的作曲家致敬,每位作曲家的創作風格各帶有與眾不同的特色,而柯瓦契使用精湛的技巧轉換原作曲家手法、風格與樂曲素材等,使《向大師致敬》各曲在旋律、和聲音響、節奏音型方面能與原作曲家相互呼應。本論文第三至十二章為九首樂曲之研究,包含各章第一節的作曲家生平與創作風格以及第二節的樂曲分析與詮釋,前者亦將作曲家創作手法與《向大師致敬》的「曲中素材」作比較,後者同時分析樂曲片段與原作曲家作品有何相似之處等,期望使讀者與演奏者更深入認識九首樂曲風格,且能提供詮釋上的參考。Hommages is an important series of works for Clarinet players nowadays, and they are written by Hungarian musician Bela Kovacs (1937-2021) in 1994. The works paid tribute to nine important composers in music history, with distinct composing styles and characteristics. And Kovacs employed exquisite skills to transform those composers’ techniques, styles and musical materials, making each piece in Hommages can resonate with the original composers in terms of melody, harmony and rhythmic patterns.In this thesis, chapter three to twelve are the research of nine pieces, including the composers’ biography and composing styles in the first section, as well as the analysis and interpretation in the second section. The former also involves a comparison of the composer’s techniques with the “Hommages” materials. The latter examines excerpts in the pieces and identifies similarities with the original composers. The purpose is to provide readers and performers with a deeper understanding of styles from nine pieces and to offer examples of interpretation.單簧管貝拉.柯瓦契向大師致敬ClarinetBela KovácsHommages貝拉.柯瓦契《向大師致敬》樂曲分析與詮釋The Analysis and Interpretation of Hommages by Bela Kovács作品連同書面報告(藝術類)