陳秀蓉Chen, Hsiu-Jung馮暄諭Feng, Shiuan-Yu2020-10-192025-08-102020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060301055E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110283本研究旨在探討初婚期男性為人子/人夫角色的適應歷程經驗,並理解影響其適應歷程的關鍵因素。研究以立意取樣方式邀請四位29至40歲、婚齡在五年內,且已有生育孩子的初婚期男性作為研究參與者。資料搜集以半結構訪談方式進行,並以敘說研究中「類別-內容」之研究方法進行分析,以理解初婚期男性為人子/人夫角色的適應歷程經驗,以及影響其適應歷程的關聯因素為何。 研究結果呈現四位初婚期男性在適應歷程中的各項主軸,及其所涵蓋的各項主、次類別,並針對單一主軸做跨個案分析,以探討主軸內各主類別元素之異同。最後於跨個案適應歷程分析中,提出本研究所發現三條初婚期男性之適應歷程路徑,並說明影響適應歷程的關鍵因素。 根據上述分析結果,依下列各點進行研究討論(一)不利的背景條件與關係型態使男性平衡婆媳關係的困難度增加、(二)有利的背景條件與關係型態將拓展男性文化傳承的可能性、(三)初婚期適應策略受男性原生家庭背景養成所影響、(四)男性在婆媳中所扮演的角色與其婆媳互動方式為交互影響、(五)男性接受資源的同時亦須付出心力平衡關係、(六)男性與母親的依附關係影響其面對婆媳關係時之態度、(七)男性增加人父角色後有感並願承擔更多責任,並針對初婚期男性提供資源及功能運用上之建議,以及實務工作與未來研究方向之參考。The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of the adaptation process of a son/spouse as a newlywed and to understand the factors influencing the adaptation process. The researcher conducts purposive sampling and selects four newlywed men, who are aged 29 to 40, married within five years, and already have children, to be the interviewees of the study. The interviews are semi-structured. After the interviews, the researcher analyzes the contents by the “Categorical-Content” method in Narrative Study. The results show four axes, and the different main / subcategories which are included in the axes in the adaptation processes of these newlywed men. The researcher then chooses each axis one by one in the cross-case analysis in order to illustrate the differences and similarities of the categories. In the analysis, the researcher finds three adaptation processes of newlywed men, and the key factors influencing the process. Based on the analysis, the researcher discusses the following findings: (1) unfavorable conditions and relationship patterns hinder the men to balance the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; (2) favorable conditions and relationship patterns enhance the chances of cultural inheritance for men; (3) adaptation strategies of newlywed men are affected by their upbringing in the native family; (4) the role of men in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is interactive with the relationship itself; (5) men have to make efforts to balance the relationship if accepting resources from his wife or mother; (6) the attachment relationship between mother and son influences the attitude of the son towards the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; (7) men are willing to take more responsibility while becoming a father. At the end of the study, suggestions on practical work and future research directions are provided for reference.初婚期男性婆媳關係初婚期適應歷程敘說研究newlywed menrelationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-lawadaptation process in the newlywednarrative research當男人走入婚姻-初婚期為人子/人夫之經驗敘說Being a Son and a Spouse in Marriage: an Narrative Study of Newlywed Men