陳政友Chen, Cheng-Yu于佳Yu, Jia2019-08-282022-01-252019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060305023E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87467本研究旨在探討初中學生運動行為及其相關因素,以北京市某完全中學初中部學生為研究對象,採分層集束隨機抽樣,以橫斷性調查研究法,利用自編式結構問卷進行研究,獲得有效問卷268份,資料經處理與分析,研究結果如下: 一、研究對象中體重過低者占一半以上,而體重過重或肥胖者約占一成三;有近一半以上的學生有過參與運動社團的經驗;其自覺健康狀況、運動自我效能、運動社會支持、運動結果期待、運動享樂感、運動行為皆屬於中上程度;而家中、住家附近及學校已有的運動相關場地、設備及器材的狀況屬於中等程度。研究對象在有限時間內仍然可以進行運動情形並不理想;研究對象運動的社會支持屬中上程度;研究對象有不錯的運動結果期待與運動享樂感,非常認同運動會促進身體健康、讓身心舒暢;研究對象的運動行為亦屬中上程度,其中依運動情況選擇適當的運動飲料及防護用品(如護膝、護腕、防曬霜)這項較差,有待提升。 二、研究對象的運動行為會因有無參與運動相關社團經驗而有顯著差異;且與自覺健康狀況呈顯著正相關。另外,研究對象的運動自我效能、運動社會支持、運動結果期待、運動享樂感以及家中、住家附近、學校的運動環境與其運動行為也皆呈顯著正相關。 三、研究對象的背景變項、社會心理因素、運動環境因素可以有效預測其運動行為,並可以解釋其總變異量的42.2%。其中「自覺健康狀況」、「運動自我效能」、「朋友及同學的支持」、「家中已有運動相關的場地、設備及器材」為主要預測變項,且以「運動自我效能」對運動行為的影響力最大。 研究顯示,控制各個預測變項後,研究對象運動自我效能越高者、自覺健康狀況越好者、朋友及同學對其運動的支持越高者、家中的運動相關場地、設備及器材越豐富者,其運動行為越好。 本研究依據結論提出對教育單位及未來研究之改進方向及建議,以促進研究對象的運動行為。A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the exercise behaviors and related factors of junior high school students. 296 students from a junior high school in Beijing were selected through stratified clustering random sampling method to complete self-compiled structural questionnaires. A total of 268 questionnaires were valid for analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. More students had slightly heavier body weights compared to the normal weights in this study. Nearly half of the students used to participate in sports associations. The sports awareness, sports self-efficacy, sports social support, sports expectation, sports enjoyment, and the sports behavior of the students were on the middle or upper levels. The qualities of the sports grounds and sports equipment at home, near home or at school were on the middle The object of study is still in the limited time can not be ideal for sports; the object of social support is a sport of upper and middle degree; the object has a good result of sports and sports enjoyment pleasure, very agree with the Games to promote good health, The exercise behavior of the subjects is of medium to high degree, in which the appropriate sports drinks and protective products (such as knee pads, wrist, sunscreen) in the exercise situation to choose the poor, to be improved. 2. The students who used to participate in sport-related associations behaved differently to those who never participated in sports associations. Sports self-efficacy, sports social support, sports expectation, sports enjoyment, and the qualities of the sports grounds and the sports equipment at home, near home or at school were all positively related to exercise behaviors significantly. . 3. The background variables, psychosocial factors, and movement environmental factors of the students could be used to predict the exercise behaviors and can be explained by a total variance of 42.2%. Sports Self-Efficacy , Support for Friends and Classmates ,Sports-related Sites, Equipment and Equipment in the Home as the main predictor, and Sports Self-Efficacy The most influential. The higher the exercise self-efficacy, the higher the perceived health status, the higher the support of friends and classmates, and the richer the exercise-related sites, equipment and equipment in the home, The better their exercise behaviors. Based on the conclusions, this research provides suggestions on improving the sports behavior of junior high school students to the educational institutions, and also promotes the study for future research.初中生運動行為運動環境因素社會心理因素junior high schoolstudentssports behaviorsocial psychological factorssports environmental factors北京市某完全中學初中部學生運動行為及其相關因素研究Study of Sports Behavior and Its Related Factors-The Case of Junior High School Students in Beijing