潘裕豐王東翔Wang, Tung-Hsiang2019-08-282016-4-82019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0500091219%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91555本研究旨在探討臺灣特殊教育學校教師實施適應體育與專業需求之現況,並分析不同背景變項教師在實施現況與專業需求的差異,以及實施現況與專業需求之間的相關與預測情形。採用自編「特殊教育學校教師實施適應體育現況與專業需求之研究調查問卷」作為研究工具進行調查。研究對象為臺灣地區27所公立特殊教育學校之正式教師,共發問卷238分,有效問卷224分,整體可用率為94.1%。所收問卷之數據資料,以SPSS套裝軟體進行統計分析。研究發現: 壹、教師實施適應體育現況在教學設計與調整、目標擬定與教學評量、行政制度與支持層面均屬中高程度表現;在專業知能與團隊合作層面屬於中程度表現。 貳、教師適應體育專業需求在教學設計與調整、目標擬定與教學評量、行政制度與支持、專業知能與團隊合作等層面均屬中高程度需求。 參、教師實施適應體育現況,因「性別」、「教育背景」、「適應體育專業背景」、「教師本身運動習慣」等背景變項不同,而在部分實施現況層面有顯著差異。 肆、教師之適應體育專業需求情形,因「適應體育專業背景」之背景變項不同,而在部分專業需求層面有顯著差異。 伍、整體專業需求層面與教學設計與調整、目標擬訂與教學評量等兩項現況層面間,呈現正相關。 陸、教學設計與調整之專業需求層面與教學設計與調整、行政制度與支持、目標擬訂與教學評量等三項現況層面間,呈現正相關。 柒、目標擬訂與教學評量之專業需求層面與教學設計與調整、行政制度與支持等兩項現況層面間,呈現正相關。 捌、專業知能與團隊合作之專業需求層面與教學設計與調整、目標擬訂與教學評量等兩項現況層面間,呈現正相關。 玖、行政制度與支持之專業需求層面與目標擬訂與教學評量、教學設計與調整之現況層面、專業知能與團隊合作等三項現況層面間,呈現正相關。 拾、教師實施適應體育現況對適應體育專業需求,部分具有預測力;整體而言,教學設計與調整層面相較於其他實施現況層面,具有較高的預測力。This study investigates how teachers in Taiwan’s special education schools currently implement adapted physical education and professional needs. This study analyzes the discrepancies between current implementation and professional needs of teachers with divergent background variables and also analyzes the correlations between the two as well as prediction of future development. The methods of research included questionnaire survey. A self-designed “ implementing adapted physical education status and professional needs of special education school teachers” questionnaire was adopted as a research tool. The samples adopted were the teachers in 27 public special education schools in Taiwan. Among the total 238 questionnaires, 224 copies were valid and the questionnaire efficiency was 94.1%. The returned questionnaires were proceeded by SPSS. Conclusions were as follows: 1.The implementing of adapted physical education was experienced in medium-high degree in “instructional design and adjustment, goal setting and teaching assessment, administrative system and support”, and in medium degree in “professional competence and teamwork.” 2.The professional needs of adapted physical education were experienced in medium-high degree in “instructional design and adjustment, goal setting and teaching assessment, administrative system and support, and professional competence and teamwork.” 3.The implementing of adapted physical education varies significantly depending on their attributes and background such as "gender", "education background", "professional background of adapted physical education" and “teachers’ exercise habits.” 4.Regarding the professional needs of teachers’ adapted physical education, significant differences were found depending on such teachers' background variables as "professional background of adapted physical education". 5.The whole aspect of professional needs shows positive relationship between both aspects of current situation of “instructional design and adjustment” and “goal setting and teaching assessment.” 6.The professional needs of “instructional design and adjustment” show positive relationships between the three aspects of current situation, such as “instructional design and adjustment”, “administrative system and support” and “goal setting and teaching assessment.” 7.The professional needs of “goal setting and teaching assessment” show positive relationships between both aspects of current situation, such as “instructional design and adjustment” and “administrative system and support.” 8.The professional needs of “professional competence and teamwork” show positive relationships between the two aspects of current situation of “instructional design and adjustment” and “goal setting and teaching assessment.” 9.The professional needs of “administrative system and support” show positive relationships between the three aspects of current situation of “goal setting and teaching assessment”, “instructional design and adjustment” and “professional competence and teamwork.” 10.The implementing of adapted physical education had significant predictions toward professional needs of adapted physical education; as a whole, the aspect of “instructional design and adjustment” had more significant prediction toward other implementing aspects.特殊教育學校適應體育實施現況專業需求special education schooladapted physical educationimplementing statusprofessional needs特殊教育學校教師實施適應體育現況與專業需求之研究The study of implementing adapted physical education status and professional needs of special education school teachers