李宗慬2014-10-272014-10-271997-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24868本文首先分析「聯齋志異」的作者如何以人物與結構敘述此一故事。經由比較可以看出作者在俠女「復父仇,殺己子」之故事類型中,如何減去殺子之倫常衝突,代之以非婚生子,而又生子棄之的「貞與俠」、「孝與慈」的衝突,以及俠女美豔而冷峻的外表,似傳統、又叛逆的性格。種種矛盾衝突,都因恩顯而仇隱,遂累積為懸疑,最後復仇成功,乃成就懸疑頓解之效果。其次討論俠女與劍仙之傳統。最後以歷史資料、理論文獻與文學例證探討「父仇不共戴天」之文化傳統,以及俠女非婚生子以報恩之女性自主意識。亦即作者如何在以殺戮復父仇的父權文化壓力之外,另闢女性創新生命以報恩之人生新境。文化意識固然影響了人生,文學創作也能指出人生之中或有新的途徑。This paper analyzes how the writer of The Strange Stories of the Chamber of Liao, P'u sung-ling, narrates the story of "The Swordswoman" (俠女)by its characters and its structure. It also discusses the richness and complexity of the cultural background of the story. By comparisons with a group of prototypal stories, we find that the writer here eliminates the bloody confilcts in the swordswoman's stories of "revenge for her father, but kill her own son."Instead, there are conflicts between chastity and chivalry, filial-pity and deserting her own son. Also, there are conflicts between her outward and inward world, her beautiful but cold appearance and, her traditional but rebelious behavior as a woman. There is a parallel structure of the swordswoman's hidden determination of revenge for her father, and her gratitude to the male character by bearing him a son for his kind help to her mother. The accumulations of conflicts and enigmas are resolved and explained when she finally succeeds in her revenge. This paper then proceeds to the discussions of the tradition of swordswoman and the "swordsfairies(劍仙). Finally, a review of the strong requirement of "revenge for the killed father" in our classics, history and literature,shows the traditional partriarchal pressure. And bearing a son for the neighbor's help to her mother, is a new way in life accomplished by this feminist swordswoman in P'u Sungling's story. Cultural ideologies do affect human life, but a good writer can show us a new way of life.女俠恩仇父權女性主義者WomanChivalryRevengeGratitudePatriarchyFeminist初探聊齋俠女