李根芳Lee, Ken-Fang駱易Luo, Yi2023-12-082023-02-142023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b11ad444a940c13668d663e42cea01b2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120375VTuber作為一個新的次文化現象,在國內的研究甚少。而圍繞著VTuber的粉絲字幕翻譯現象在加入了偶像及自媒體要素之後,與過往的粉絲字幕產生了歧異。本文將透過文獻回顧、訪談法與參與觀察法分析這種新型態粉絲字幕具備什麼特質和特色,並討論譯者扮演的角色有何轉變,動機和目的相較過去又有什麼變化,再來探討以實況作為文本的翻譯現象將面臨的全新挑戰。本論文將先介紹VTuber的流變,接著分析因其產生的新型態粉絲字幕以及研究價值。第二章將藉由回顧過去關於偶像與自媒體的研究,來延伸探討本論文的主要論述。第三章則會介紹新形態的字幕組與過去的字幕組在動機和運作模式上有何不同,並分析其特有的現象。接著將從翻譯方法切入討論,與過往的粉絲字幕比較。最後將從文本的角度分析VTuber的翻譯現象會帶來什麼不同的挑戰,並期望能為未來VTuber的研究奠定基石。As a new subcultural phenomenon, VTuber is still relatively unresearched in Taiwan. As the traditional fansubbing culture is met with new elements brought in by VTubers and how they work as the source context, the translation of VTuber seems to carry something that is different from what we knew. This master’s thesis aims to introduce and analyze a brand new kind of fansubbers, while discussing their motives, translation approaches and challenges.The thesis will begin by defining what a “VTuber”is, and comb through the history behind the subculture. By discussing a new form of fansubbing practice that comes with it, the thesis will then analyze how VTuber works as a field for research. In the second chapter, we will be reviewing past researches on Japanese idol culture and self-media in order to examine how this new type of fansub differs. The third chapter will analyze the fansubbing culture around VTubers from the aspects of translators, translation approach and the source text. This thesis will also attempt to set up the foundation for future researches on VTubers and the subculture.虛擬實況主粉絲字幕日本次文化文化研究實況VTuberfansubbingJapanese subculturecultural studiesVTuber與新型態字幕組的翻譯現象The Challenges for A New Type of Fansubbing: Translation of Virtual YouTuberetd