洪麗卿劉美慧Li-Ching Hung, Meihui Liu2019-08-122019-08-122018-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81715本文旨在探究美國華盛頓州國小階段跨國移民學生之學習安置和語言支援制度,以及政策從州層次至學校層級轉化之實施情形。本文以華盛頓州為研究場域,進行九個月的田野研究,並以西雅圖學區一所具移民族群多樣性之K-5公立小學為個案學校,藉由參與觀察、深入訪談和文件分析等方法來蒐集資料。研究發現有四:一、華盛頓州跨國移民學生之學習安置和語言支援制度趨於雙文化教育取向與針對特殊及異文化者取向。二、移民學生學習輔導注重全人需求的整體性安置。三、強調友善的語言無障礙環境可促進移民家庭參與教育活動。四、學校績效責任制產生對教育公平性實踐的質疑。最後,根據臺灣特殊脈絡提出未來擬定跨國轉銜學生學習安置制度之參考建議。This study aims at exploring the implementation of the academic placement and language support policy for immigrant students in an elementary public school in Washington State, U.S.A. The study investigated an ethnographic case study of one K-5 elementary public school with a high degree of ethnic diversity among its students for 9 months. Multiple methods of data collection including participant observation, data analysis, and interviews were applied. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) Most of the English Language Development Programs for immigrant students in Washington State emphasized bicultural education approach and education for the exceptional and culturally different. (2) The implementation of immigrants’ academic intervention policies emphasized the integrity placement to meet students’ holistic needs. (3) Friendly interpretation services were provided to support the immigrant families participating in educational activities. (4) Accountability had an equity problem. At the end, the paper provides three suggestions according to Taiwan’s context.多元文化移民學生語言支援系統學業安置multicultural educationimmigrantslinguistic supportacademic placement美國華盛頓州國小階段跨國移民學生之學習安置和語言支援制度A Study of the Academic Placement and Language Support Policy for Immigrant Students in an Elementary Public School of Washington State, U.S.A.