呂清夫Ching Fu Lu柳鳳儀Feng I Liu2020-12-102009-7-12020-12-102007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093603314%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114874「管理」的概念是在1980年代左右進入歐美的博物館界,在此之前,少有人意識到博物館與企業一樣,需要引進現代化管理,結果是博物館愈來愈脫離社會的脈動。本研究旨在探討台灣公立美術館管理之現代化,以台北市立美術館「2006台北雙年展 ─限制級瑜珈」作為研究個案,以館內、外專業人士之深入訪談為主要資料來源,輔以觀眾參觀經驗問卷,綜合相關文獻發現,進行分析展覽之成效,發現並深入探討營運管理層面的相關問題,最後提出北美館的藍海策略作為建議,作為台灣公立美術館未來精進之參考。 根據研究結果得出以下結論: 一、北美館目前的展覽成效不如預期:由已過五屆台北雙年展的反思中印證,目前的既定的展覽機制並未帶來更多的觀眾、展覽成效無法回應多元化觀眾族群的訴求、館內研究工作未能發揮效益、目前展覽成效評鑑及回饋機制付之闕如。 二、北美館在提升展覽成效上所面臨的問題與挑戰為:台灣公立美術館普遍上面臨「沒人,沒錢,沒專業、沒資源」的困境。在休閒產業及電子影音產品的快速崛起下,博物館人不得不正視觀眾基礎日漸萎縮的問題,但它用傳統的公部門文化以及組織編制和功能區分來執行對外的工作,要應付新型態、新競爭者的入侵,是純粹以卵擊石的。 在各種資源有限的前題下,為求達成展覽成效,首先應重視研究基礎工作並建立一套完整的「觀眾研究」機制,美術館必須重新檢視資源的分配及運用是不是符合重要性原則,其次開源節流也是不二法門,一方面對外有長期募款、策略性異業合作的策略規畫,結合豐沛的社會資源,另一方面彈性調整組織結構以合乎組織之策略性目標。因此,本研究可應用性歸納如下,為提升展覽成效,強化北美館現代化管理之策略性建議為: (一)、具備企管的精神的館長是美術館創新的推手; (二)、組織的分工方式不應以功能區分應以觀眾美育為導向的分工; (三)、重視研究基礎工作並以重要性之優先順序分配資源; 並以藍海策略之四項行動架構模式提供增加、創造、減少及消除等實務上可應用性建議方案。 面對全球化的挑戰,台灣的美術館要學習站在消費者(即觀眾),而非自身的觀點來思考,利用有限的資源,來開創美術館的新時代價值。美術館在博取大眾的喜愛吸引觀眾的同時,也必須在大眾的期望當中求取平衡點,藝術普及化是長遠之目標,但切莫一昧地追求人次的增加,應找出美術館的適當定位,提供差異化的服務,吸引更多數量、不同族群的觀眾進入美術館參觀。二十一世紀的美術館使命是改變並延伸一般大眾對於日常生活的視野,並建構出自我的獨特意義,以協助人們面對當今社會多元的價值,並在衝突的價值中取得一個微妙的平衡點。並且展覽本身不足以滿足觀眾的所有需要,整個美術館必須調整組織心態、行為及管理策略,提供一個全備的、適足地環境,供來訪的觀眾達成學習、休憩、社交、淨化心靈等各項期望與需求,進而帶動美術館應有的企業動能與社會效益。The term “Management” was brought into broad attention among museums in the late 80s. Before that, very few museum authorities were aware of the importance of Management, and as a result, museums were going the opposite way from the needs of society. Given the case study on 2006 Taipei Biennial「Dirty YOGA」of Taipei Fine Arts Museum(TFAM),featuring in-depth interviews and audience questionnaire surveys, this research aims to study on the management modernization of Taiwan’s public museums. Meanwhile, field observation on museum activities and collected historical data are also being used as reference for this study to explore the issues facing museums, the worldwide best practice and bench marking statistics. Finally, a well-rounded “Blue Ocean Strategy” for Taiwan Public Museums is provided for future enhancement in museum management affairs. The research has concluded following findings and areas for improvement: 1. The exhibition effectiveness of TFAM are not satisfactory as expected:From the analysis of past five Taipei Biennales, it is found that the visitors to TFAM are actually not increasing; on the contrary, visitor numbers are dropping steadily over years. This means the current established mechanism organizing this special exhibition dose not bring more visitors to museum, perhaps because it dose not respond to the diversity of audience segments, not leverage the museum’s research function well and not apply any official performance measurement and feedback systems linking to exhibitions. 2. The challenges facing TFAM in terms of enhancing exhibition effectiveness:It is common for Taiwan’s public museums to handle the tough resource issue, equaling to no talent, no budget, no expertise, and no resource. However, with the rapid emerging phenomenon, such as explosive growth on leisure businesses and electronic video products (games), museums have to pay extra attention on the potential of losing audience base. Without a visionary reform in their current government-owned organization structure with paradigm shift, it would be too hard for museums today to defend the inevitable intrusion. Under such circumstances, to achieve the exhibition effectiveness, the basic work is to set up a complete audience research mechanism within the museum. To do that, the museum authority must re-visit the way museum resources have been arranged and allocated, and this resource re-allocation must comply with the new priority list. Secondly, there must be ways to solicit other social resources and corporate sponsorship. Through forming strategic alliance with third parties to fully leverage social resources outside the museum. Nevertheless, to meet this strategic move for innovation, museums have to re-organize their teaming flexibly. Hence, the suggestions resulted from this study are as shown below:(1) Enable museum authority, who is the critical role f or museum’s innovation, with intensive management training and experience; (2) Form projects and teamwork not based on their functions, but on audience oriented objectives; (3)Emphasize on the fundamental research work to allocate resources in accordance with priority set by impacts and effectiveness. This study also shows the applicable action plan for TFAM to raise, create, reduce, and eliminate, The Four Actions Framework of Blue Ocean Strategy, to help the museum step out its comfort zone for innovation. In the face of Globalization, Taiwan’s museums might have to think from the audience views, not museums’ views ever in order to bring more added-value to Society. Dealing with limited available resources, museums must strike a balance between public expectations and museum services. It is not only to sorely increase the museum visitors, but also look into the diversity of audience groups and their learning experience within the museum. The mission of museums in the 21stcentuary is to help broaden the horizon of citizens, in which way people will construct their own meanings and views through museum visiting and learning subtly. This aims to help museum audience find their own balance from the conflicting values when facing overwhelmingly diverse viewpoints in the current modern world. Therefore, the exhibition itself might not be able to meet all the needs and requirements from the audience, and the whole museum activities must be adjusted simultaneously to provide a sufficient, comfortable environment for those museum visitors to learn, to enjoy, to socialize, as well as to purify their minds through various museum activities, leading to high momentum and management effectiveness that museums should all demonstrate.美術館管理藍海策略展覽成效觀眾研究台北市立美術館台北雙年展museum managementblue ocean strategyexhibition effectivenessaudience researchTaipei Fine Arts MuseumTaipei Biennial從展覽成效探討美術館之現代化管理─以台北市立美術館2006台北雙年展為例The Study on Museum Management Modernization from the Assessment of Exhibition Effectiveness ─ A Case Study of Taipei Fine Arts Mesuem 2006 Taipei Biennial