曲兆祥Chu, Chao-hsiang曾彥衛Tseng, Yen-wei2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695100148%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85675在民主國家,政治菁英係採公民直接選舉或間接選舉方式產生,其甄補則以內閣更迭或由定期的政黨選舉所形成,威權體制國家由於制度因素及其特殊歷史背景,政治菁英除不由公開的公民選舉或間接選舉產生之外,其甄補過程亦迥異於民主國家。中國執政之政黨為中國共產黨,故中國之政治菁英即為中共菁英,中共菁英成員之產生方式及甄補過程皆於中共內部所發生,而中共菁英的決策對於中國的發展亦具有直接且深遠的影響。 中共在由毛澤東、鄧小平所領導的時代,由於領導人具有領袖魅力,其權力轉移和菁英甄補過程帶濃厚人治色彩,到了江澤民、胡錦濤時代,由於接班梯隊缺乏建國功勛及革命事蹟,權力繼承的正當性雖仍帶有人治色彩,但漸漸轉向制度化發展。 在中共權力結構的分佈當中,以中央政治局的政治局常委為最高領導核心,依次為政治局委員、中央委員、全國黨代表,其成員之甄補方式雖有中共黨章所明訂之條文可依循,但由於產生過程多採合議制及非公開方式,故研究中共的菁英甄補,須從中共的歷史發展脈絡,及菁英成員的背景、派系和經歷進行分析,以找出其於甄補過程中所形成之制度化因素。本研究以2007年10月中共「十七大」所產生之政治局為主,以政治局委員為主要分析對象,並進一步分析政治局內成員的分佈情形、及中央委員進入政治局之客觀條件。In democratic nation, political elites are voted through direct or indirect election by citizens, they are recruited in terms of either the change of the government or the regular election in different parties. Yet the election of politic elites in authoritarian regime works the other way round due to the institutional factors and historical backgrounds. The governing party in China is Communist Party of China and the political elites of the country are the elites from the party as well. Thus, the process of recruitment in the member of political elites and the policy they make has a direct and deep influence in China. Though the ways of member recruitment could follow its own provision through the Constitution of the Party, many of the processes still work in collegiate system and non-public. Therefore, the study in the recruitment of the elites in China has to analyze both the historical background of China and the background, faction, and experience of the elites in order to comprehend the institutional factors that come from the process of recruitment. The research is based on 「the leadership lineup of the seventeenth Central Committee」 to analyze the members of the Political Bureau, and understand the distribution of the members in Central Committee and the conditions for them to join the Central Committee.中共菁英甄補制度化十七大政治局C.P.C.Elite RecruitmentInstitutionalizationPolitical Bureauthe Seventeenth Party Congress中共菁英甄補之制度化研究 - 以「十七大」政治局為例The Research of the C.P.C. Elite Recruitment Institutionalization - A Case Study of the C.P.C. Political Bureau of the Seventeenth Party Congress