林震煌Cheng-Huang Lin李珣Hsun Lee2019-09-042015-6-192019-09-042012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699420584%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/100955為了規避法律的規範,近幾年來許多毒犯會合成一系列安非他命的衍生物在街頭販售,使得濫用藥物氾濫的情形愈趨嚴重。本篇研究選用鄰、間、對-氯安非他命和鄰、間、對-氟安非他命這六種安非他命濫用藥物當待測樣品。 首先利用毛細管紫外光電泳結合線上掃集濃縮技術,偵測分離六種鹵化安非他命的混合溶液。並利用毛細管螢光電泳偵測安非他命衍生後的唾液真實樣品,衍生方法採取一般暗處靜置衍生和微波加熱衍生兩種方法。由於對-氯安非他命在 2011 年被歸列為第三級毒品,利用筆尖紙噴灑質譜技術(novel nib-assisted paper spray-mass spectrometry, NAPS-MS)以對-氯安非他命當樣品做偵測,分別偵測了標準品以及唾液真實樣品。實驗中有比較四種紙噴灑的材質對於對-氯安非他命的偵測極限,由結果發現,紙噴灑的技術對於安非他命濫用藥物的偵測極限可達 0.1 mg/L 以下。Substitutions to the amphetamine molecule give rise to a group of derivatives, and, as a result, a number of illegal, amphetamine-like drugs are produced in underground labs for sale on the street. In this study, we selected o-, m-, p-chloro- and o-, m-, p-fluoro-amphetamines as model compounds. Optimal conditions for the separation and detection of a mixture of six halogen amphetamines are described, by the use of capillary electrophoresis ultraviolet absorbance in conjunction with online sample concentration techniques. And the six designer drugs in a human saliva are also separated by use of the capillary electrophoresis laser-induced fluorescence. The results obtained by the microwave assisted fluorescent labeling method was compared and discussed to regular analytical method. In Taiwan, p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) was permanently placed in Schedule III in 2011. A method for the rapid screening and determination of PCA in saliva by a novel nib-assisted paper spray-mass spectrometry (NAPS-MS) procedure is described. The detection limits and precision of PCA by use four of the paper spray materials are discussed and the complete data are reported herein. Under optimized conditions, the limit of detections (LODs) for amphetamine derivatives were determined to 0.1 µg/mL by the NAPS-MS method.紙噴灑質譜法毛細管電泳氯安非他命氟安非他命paper spray-mass spectrometrycapillary electrophoresischloroamphetaminefluoroamphetamine利用毛細管紫外光/螢光電泳及紙噴灑技術對六種鹵化安非他命狡詐家濫用藥物的分析研究Determination of Six Halogen Amphetamines Designer Drugs by Capillary Electrophoresis Ultraviolet Absorbance/Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Paper Spray