國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所陳子瑋陳珮馨 2015-07-032015-07-032009-09-012071-4858http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73812本研究調查國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所2002 到2007 年間口譯 推廣班學員之進修動機與對於課程之評估,根據學員的個人背景調查 及問卷結果,發現學員背景多元、屬於大學以上教育程度、語言能力 相對較高之族群,學習動機以求知興趣與自我發展最高,學習滿意度 則普遍良好。整體來說,受訪學員對授課教師滿意度相當高,口譯教 師最受學員歡迎的特質包括:針對學員個人的優缺點講評、教學認真 負責、上課生動活潑、多與學員互動、願意分享口譯經驗等。課程 方面,學員認為最有用的技巧為逐步口譯與筆記技巧,滿意程度幾乎 高達百分之百。此外,受訪學員表示,口譯推廣課程有助於大幅提升 對口譯工作的瞭解,甚至高達九成的學員表示若有機會,願意從事口 譯或翻譯相關產業。另外,高達八成受訪學員表示若開設進階口譯課 程,願意繼續參與,若開設筆譯或應用英語課程,願意參加的比例也 很高,可見學員對於該口譯課程有一定的認同感。This study investigates student motivation and evaluation of the interpretation program at the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation of National Taiwan Normal University from 2002 to 2007. According to questionnaire results, it is found that the students come from various backgrounds, and most of them had received university or college education and have higher language abilities. Pursuit of knowledge and interests, and personal development ranks the highest in student learning motivation. Overall, the responding students are highly satisfied with the courses. The most popular characteristics for a teacher include: providing feedback on individual student performance, responsible, interesting, and willing to interact and share interpretation experiences with students. As for the course content, students find that consecutive interpretation and note-taking skills are the most useful techniques, and the level of satisfaction is almost 100%. In addition, the responding students think that the interpretation courses at continuing education centers can effectively increase their understanding of the interpretation industry, and 90% of the students are willing to work in the T&I industry if given the opportunity. Moreover, 80% of the students are willing to attend advanced interpretation courses. Students who want to attend translation or applied English courses also account for a high percentage, which indicates that students have a certain degree of identification with the interpretation courses. Keywords: interpreting, life-long口譯終身學習推廣教育InterpretingLife-long learningContinuing education臺灣口譯推廣課程之學員觀點初探研究--國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所案例研究A Preliminary Study of Student Perspectives on Interpretation Courses as Continuing Education Programs in Taiwan--A Case Study of the Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation of National Taiwan Normal University�