林至誠Lin, Chih-cheng林芳伃Lin, Fang-Yu2023-12-082022-05-112023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/27e36d4e0f18fa363370d638c3c83084/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120589許多研究已證實英文單字對於英文聽力的重要性,但不同類型的單字輔助對於聽力理解的效果未能有一致的結論。另一方面,隨著科技發展,越來越多研究顯示使用手機對於英語學習的幫助,且外語學習者對於行動裝置輔助學習持有正面的態度。因此本研究旨在探究行動裝置輔助的單字與聽力練習,是否有助於台灣青少年外語學習者的單字學習與聽力理解能力,並探討學生對於行動裝置輔助練習的感知。參與本研究的受試者為北台灣某高中的三個班級,共115 名高二學生,分為實驗組一、實驗組二與控制組。實驗組學生接受一學期的單字與聽力練習,但只有實驗組一的學 生需要在課後做額外的聽力練習,控制組學生並未接受練習。研究資料取自實驗前後的聽力與單字測驗以及實驗後的訪談內容。研究結果顯示行動裝置輔助的單字與聽力練習對於實驗組一學生的聽力理解和單字學習有顯著的效果,但是對於實驗組二的學生並無顯著影響,然 而兩組實驗組學生對於行動裝置輔助練習皆持有正向的態度。本研究再次證實 單字對於聽力的重要性,而影響單字學習的重點之一為單字的 發音,了解單字的發音不僅對單字學習有很大的影響,更可讓學生在英文聽力過程中辨認出自己學過的單字,進而增進聽力理解能力。Many studies have proven that English vocabulary is important for English listening. However, the results of different kinds of vocabulary support on listening comprehension have been inconclusive. On the other hand, with the development of technology, more and more studies have revealed that the use of mobile phones benefits English learning. EFL learners also hold a positive attitude towards mobile-assisted learning. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the mobile-assisted vocabulary and listening exercises help improve Taiwanese EFL adolescents’ vocabulary learning and listening comprehension and to explore students’ perceptions of mobile-assisted exercises.Participants in the study were from three intact classes in a senior high school in Northern Taiwan. One hundred and fifteen 11th graders were divided into experimental group one, experimental group two and control group. Experimental group one and two received the semester-long vocabulary and listening exercises, but only students in experimental group one have to do the after-class listening exercises. Students in the control group didn’t receive the exercises. Research data were collected through the listening and vocabulary tests that were implemented before and after the treatment and the semi-structured interview after the experiment.Results showed that the mobile-assisted vocabulary and listening exercises have a significant effect on the listening comprehension and vocabulary learning of students in experimental group one, but it does not have a significant influence on students in experimental group two. However, both groups of students have a positive attitude towards the mobile-assisted vocabulary and listening exercises. The study again confirmed that vocabulary knowledge is important to listening comprehension. One of the key factors in vocabulary learning is the pronunciation of words. Realizing how words are pronounced not only has a great impact on vocabulary learning, but also enables students to recognize the words they have learnt in the listening process and thus further enhances their listening comprehension ability.以英語為外語的聽力理解單字輔助行動裝置輔助練習EFL Listening comprehensionvocabulary supportmobile-assisted exercises行動裝置輔助練習對於台灣青少年單字學習與聽力理解的效果The Effectiveness of Mobile-Assisted Exercises on Taiwanese EFL Adolescents' Vocabulary Learning and Listening Comprehensionetd