張俊彥Chun-Yen Chang詹京燁Jing-Ye Jhan2019-09-052011-7-232019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695440146%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/101319我國教育部於國中自然與生活科技領域及高中地球科學課程大綱分別訂定:「學生能應用所學於當前或未來的生活」、「學生能瞭解並初步應用地球科學的概念與法則」,而學生能有效應用所學於新情境中則賴於學習遷移,故學生的學習遷移表現為研究者所關心,依此本研究設計地球科學遷移測驗,並探討哪些為遷移測驗重要的影響因子?又阻礙遷移測驗表現的因子為何?其衍生的目的為:(一)探究影響高一學生在地球科學遷移測驗表現的相關因子。(二)依遷移測驗的表現將學生分群,用以探討各因子在不同類型學生間的差異。(三)觀察機械學習(記誦式的學習方式)是否為阻礙遷移發生的因素。 依研究目的自行發展三項測驗工具與使用兩項測驗工具,分別為「先備知識測驗」、「一般情境測驗」、「遷移情境測驗」、「地球科學段考」與「瑞文氏高級圖形推理測驗」,其中「一般情境測驗」之試題情境與我國中學地球科學教材內容類似(如月球對地表海水之引潮力>太陽對地表海水之引潮力),「遷移情境測驗」則與教材情境迥異(如太陽對地表海水之引潮力>月球對地表海水之引潮力)。研究對象為台南市某公立高中一年級學生(n=186),以Pearson相關、多元迴歸及魏氏考驗為分析方法,並以「遷移情境測驗」得分為依變項,另四項測驗得分為「自變項」,研究結果如下: (一)研究發現「一般情境測驗」最能影響學生於「遷移情境測驗」的表現且達高度效果量。 (二)「一般情境測驗」與「遷移情境測驗」得分皆高於全體平均分數的學生,其另三項測驗的表現皆最佳;而相反的另一群學生在另三項測驗表現皆最差。 (三)研究發現部分學生於已習過相關概念的試題中,因機械學習而阻礙了遷移的發生,而尚未學習過相關概念的試題則無此現象。In Taiwan, Ministry of Education provided the two curriculum guidelines for high school as "students will be able to apply what they have learned to current life or future" and "students will be able to understand and apply the concepts and principles of Earth Science." However, it depends on "transfer of learning" that students can apply what they have learned effectively in new contexts. Therefore, this study developed an Earth science transfer test for three purposes: (1) Exploring factors behind 10th grade students’ performance on an Earth Science transfer test. (2) Categorizing the students in accordance with their performance on an Earth Science transfer test for discussing the differences between each factor in different types. (3) Studying whether rote learning is a factor obstructing the generation of transfer. According to the purposes as mentioned above, three test tools were developed, and two other test tools were used. They are the Prior Knowledge Test, the General Situation Test, the Transfer Situation Test, the Earth Science Periodical Exam and Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM). The test context of the General Situation Test, which we gave, is the same as the context of Earth Science teaching materials in Taiwan at high school level. (For example, the moon’s tide-generating force is greater than the sun’s tide-generating force.) In contrast, the test context of the Transfer Situation Test is different from the context of the teaching materials. (For example, the sun’s tide-generating force is greater than the moon’s tide generating force.) In this study, participants are the 10th grade students of a national senior high school in Tainan (n=186). The Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple linear regression and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test have been used. The scores on the Transfer Situation Test was identified with a dependent variable in this study, and the scores on the other four tests were identified with independent variables. The research results are as follows: (1) This study discovered that the General Situation Test has the greatest influence on students’ performance on the Transfer Situation Test, and a large effect size was reached. (2) The students who get scores respectively on the General Situation Test and on the Transfer Situation test both higher than the mean scores get the best performance on the other three tests. The opposite group gets the lowest scores on the three tests. (3) This study discovered that when part of students answered the questions which contain the main concepts they had ever learned, transfer was obstructed because of rote learning. However, when they answered the other question which contains the main concept they had not learned, there was no such a phenomenon.遷移問題解決地球科學transferproblem solvingEarth Science探究影響高一學生地科遷移測驗表現之相關因子Exploring factors behind 10th grade students' performance on an Earth Science transfer test