王國欽Wang, Kuo-Ching江佩書Chiang, Pei-Shu2019-09-052022-12-312019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0004312104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1071772015年有35億人口搭乘飛機,其中將近有28%的人選擇搭乘低成本航空。根據各種資料的顯示,低成本航空在未來的市場將會繼續擴大。反觀台灣本土經營的低成本航空,卻似乎沒有隨著這一波的趨勢發展,反而面臨著經營不善的困境。台灣的消費者對於低成本航空的經營模式似乎還不熟悉和理解。因此本研究從Skytrax所評選為全球和亞洲區最佳低成本航空裡面,挑選9家低成本航空和台灣虎航做為研究對象。本研究採質性研究,針對這10家低成本航空於2016年12月1日到2017年3月31日在FB/微博上的文章進行內容分析,共1502篇文章。彙總分析Facebook粉絲專頁的訊息內容,並且進行兩組焦點團體訪談,一組是有低成本航空搭乘經驗,另一組則無。發現消費者在Facebook的反應為下,「機票折扣資訊與推廣」所獲得的「按讚」或是「分享」最多,留言數最多的則以「與粉絲互動(活動/遊戲/問題)」。透過焦點訪談分析後,發現機票便宜的貼文訊息讓消費者有購買動機。其他類型的貼文訊息對於購買機票行為,對消費者未產生直接的影響性。建議低成本航空業者可以在Facebook的經營上面,可以針對不同經驗值的粉絲,提出更客製化的貼文,讓粉絲與航空業者能有更緊密的互動。There were approximately 3.5 billion people flying in 2015. About 28% of those people chose to take low cost carriers. According to different information, it is predicted that the demand for low cost carriers will continue to expand in the near future. However, it does not seem that low cost carriers are doing well in Taiwan’s local market as they could be. This study analyzed how Facebook is used and what information is provided by the world’s and Asia’s best low cost carriers to get their messages across. This study analyzed 1502 articles from 10 low cost carries in different areas. Two focus groups were also conducted: one group whose members have flown with low cost carriers before and another whose members have not. It has been found that the articles about fare promotion received the most likes and shares from fans. The category for interaction with fans via games, quizzes and activities has received the most comments. Per the analysis of focus group interviews and Facebook articles’ responses, we found that low fares still have a larger impact on consumers’ purchase behaviors in relation to low cost carriers while other articles have less influence on buying decision. This suggests that low cost carriers should customize their articles on Facebook so that the needs for groups with different interests would be fulfilled differently. This might bring the low cost carriers and customers closer and increase the possibility for future sales.低成本航空社交網站Facebook消費者購買行為low cost carriersocial networking sitesfacebookconsumer purchasing behaviorFacebook~低成本航空的操盤手Facebook : Low Cost Carriers’ Strategy Director