李建興Lee, Chien-Shing邱顯傑Chiu, Hsien-Chieh2023-12-082023-08-092023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/987369048db180aeb0caf4621026ec14/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121534賴文郎教練是桃園地區射箭發展極為重要的先河與推手,對臺灣射箭領域持續做出貢獻,其射箭投入過程值得探討與參考。研究目的: 具體而言針對研究對象的發展與貢獻,本研究的課題有四個面向,分別包含如下:一、選手發展歷程;二、國內、外執教;三、行政服務;四、核心信念,以有助於對賴文郎老師在射箭發展上有更清楚地認識,也能提供日後射箭發展的參考依據。研究方法: 本研究採用個案研究法,主要以賴文郎作為研究中心,並蒐集報導、研究文獻、影音檔與田野觀察等多方資料來源,且透過半結構式訪談進行資料蒐集及歸納。研究發現:賴文郎教練個人名聲在射箭界遠播,並且在選手到擔任教練的轉換中扮演了重要角色,成為了射箭界首位成為國際教練的先河。其奉獻精神和毅力值得學習和敬佩,即使現在已是耄耋之年,仍能全力協助國內舉辦賽事。此外,他的教導和精神也推動著臺灣射箭運動的發展,對於學生也提供了莫大的啟示與引導。因此,賴文郎教練的貢獻不僅在射箭領域,更是在做人方面給予學生楷模的示範,成為臺灣射箭發展的積極力量。Lai, Wen-Lang, a coach in the field of archery, has played a significant role as a pioneer and driving force in the development of archery in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Regarding his contributions to archery domain in Taiwan are worthy of exploration and research. This study aims to reveal Lai, Wen-Lang's development and contributions in the field of sport across four dimensions: 1. athlete development process, 2. domestic and international coaching experiences, 3. administrative services, and 4. core beliefs. By examining these dimensions, a clearer understanding of his involvement in archery development can be gained, providing valuable insights for future reference in the field of archery development. Methodology: This is a case study with Lai, Wen-Lang as the central focus. Multiple sources of data, including reports, research literature, audiovisual materials, and field observations, were collected. Data collection and synthesis were carried out through semi-structured interviews. Findings: Coach Lai, Wen-Lang's personal reputation extends far within the archery field, he has played a core role in the transition of athletes to coaching positions, becoming the first coach in archery to achieve international recognition. His dedication and perseverance are commendable, even in his advanced years, as he continues to actively support domestic competitions. Even his teachings and spirit have propelled the development of archery in Taiwan, providing significant inspiration and guidance to students. Therefore, Coach Lai, Wen-Lang's contributions not only extend beyond the archery area, but serve as a role model in personal conduct and become a positive driving force in Taiwan's archery development.射箭國際教練個案研究archeryinternational coachcase study桃園市射箭發展關鍵推手之研究A study on the key promoter of archery development in Taoyuan Cityetd