國立臺灣師範大學東亞學系潘鳳娟Feng-Chuan Pan2014-10-302014-10-302012-03-012071-4858http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/32582本文討論耶穌會士韓國英(Pierre-Martial Cibot, 1727-1780) 的《孝經》全 文法譯本“Hiao-King, ou Livre Canonique sur la Piété filiale”(1779) 之文本與及註 釋的內容,並選取三個關鍵主題「明王」、「禮」與「聖治」予以分析,以便 理解韓國英的詮釋進路與其所建構的清帝國孝道的架構與論述核心。此外, 韓國英自稱其《孝經》的翻譯與詮釋所依據底本均為「帝國文獻」,然到底是 否有一特定底本,或者到底涵蓋哪些文獻,也是本文欲一探究竟之處。This paper discusses the translation of the full text of the Book of Filial Piety, “Hiao-King, ou Livre Canonique sur la Piété filial (1779),” by the Jesuit Pierre- Martial Cibot (1727-1780) in the context of what he called “les oeuvres Impériales” (the Imperial works). Through analysis of Cibots translation, the author determines what books comprise “the Imperial works” and introduces them. In addition, this paper composes a picture of the Chinese Empire by analyzing three related themes: “Ming-wang,” “Rituals,” and “Saintly Governance.”韓國英孝經翻譯禮法國耶穌會聖治Pierre-Martial CibotTranslation of the Book of Filial PietyRitualsThe French Jesuits in ChinaSaintly Governance孝道、帝國文獻與翻譯韓國英與《孝經》翻譯初探