何宏發Ho, Hong-Fa陳清煌Chen, Ching-Huang2022-06-082021-08-092022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f1cc743a0b64cfd7be9c98ed23d3cbee/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117915本研究旨在探討高級中學學生人口變項與人格特質、人際關係及希望感相關性。採立意抽樣方式針對臺灣北部地區七縣市普通型高中、技術型高中學生進行問卷調查,研究工具:人格特質採用「人格特質量表(BFI-29)」、人際關係採用「青少年人際認知成熟量表」、希望感採用「希望感量表」,本次研究有效樣本數量1,514人,有效問卷回收率82.02%,統計方法採用描述性統計及單因子變異數分析及典型相關分析,研究結果如下:一、高級中學學生的人格特質與縣市別、居住地、學校別、公私立別、性別、年級及家庭溝通等人口變項之差異達統計上的顯著意義。二、高級中學學生的人際關係與學校別、公私立別、性別及家庭溝通等人口變項之差異達統計上的顯著意義。三、高級中學學生的希望感與學校別、公私立別及家庭溝通等人口變項之差異達統計上的顯著意義。四、高級中學學生的人格特質與人際關係有二組典型相關因素存在,並達統計上的顯著意義。五、高級中學學生的人格特質與希望感有二組典型相關因素存在,並達統計上的顯著意義。六、高級中學學生的人際關係與希望感有一組典型相關因素存在,並達統計上的顯著意義。The purpose of this study is to understand the relationships in personality traits, interpersonal relationships and hope among the students of the senior high schools included ordinary and vocational high schools. The objects were sampling on purpose in seven cities and counties in northern Taiwan. The tools of this study were “The development of adolescent cognitive competence of interpersonal relationship scale”, “Big five inventory for adolescents (BFI-29)” and “The sense of hope scale”. The total samples were 1,846 and the effective samples were 1,514. The effective rate was 82.02%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and canonical correlation analysis.The results of the study were as follows:1.The differences of the location, type of schools, places of residence, gender and grade of objects, family communication of the objects in the big five personality traits were significantly.2.The differences of the type of schools, places of residence, gender, family communication of the objects in the interpersonal relationships were significantly.3.The differences of the type of schools, family communication of the objects in the sense of hope were significantly.4.There were two canonical correlational factors significantly in the big five personality traits and interpersonal relationships.5.There were two canonical correlational factors significantly in the big five personality traits and the sense of hope.6.There was one canonical correlational factors significantly in the interpersonal relationships and the sense of hope.人格特質人際關係希望感the big five personality traitsthe interpersonal relationshipthe sense of hope高級中學學生人格特質、人際關係與希望感相關研究A Study on the Correlation of Personality Traits, Interpersonal Relationships and Hope among Senior High Schools Students學術論文