蘇憲法黃琬雯Huang wan-wen2020-12-102006-7-112020-12-102006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592603003%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115101康丁斯基(Wassily Kandinsky,1866-1944)談到「藝術是表達自己內心情感與時代言語再現」,因此在「記憶、斷裂、異質」研究中,藉由理論的探討,透過創作技法的表現,實現自我藝術的思考內涵。文中之學理部分,將從哲學、心理學與美術史三方面,進行分析探討;在創作思維方面,分為對記憶交疊、斷裂空間及異質呈現作研究思考。 本文創作主題,在於利用空間的多樣形態,來表現「時間知覺的形式」,將「具象圖像」之原質性抽離,進而轉化為「半具象」的繪畫表現,並運用完形心理學的群化原則,配合時間與空間觀念,提供新的形式表現,形成新的藝術創作經驗;除此之外,本文亦對繪畫材質的運用,作一系列的技法實驗與探索,文內作品以水彩為主要媒材,部份作品亦與手工紙、細沙、蠟等材料作結合,並以滴灑、刷洗、重疊等技法強化畫面多元表現,透過多層次透明的肌理營造,詮釋並呈現水彩融合異質性材料的可能性。Wassily Kandinsky indicated that art was an expression of our inner emotions and era-language. Hence, this study whose mainly aims were based on memory、crack and homeomorphism, would be first executed by the expression of artistic technology for the purpose of theoretical investigation in order to achieve the inner art characteristic of ourself thinking. On the part of theoretical art, the philosophy、psychology and artistic history included would be conferred and analyzed. Besides, some investigations of creative thinking based on the memory overlapping、space crack and homeomorphism would also be done for the expression of art creation, respectively. The subjects of the paper on the art creation applied by the collage technology were mainly aimed at the decomposing from the native character of organized images to conform into half of organized images except by using the cluster principle of Gestalt psychology for meeting the concepts of the time and space in a novel form of time-consciousness and experience of art-creation. On the other aspect, the application of drawing material mainly involved acrylic substrate and watercolor but some related to use the hand paper、fine sand and beeswax would also be applied by the technologies of drop-spray、scrub-wash and overlapping to increase the multi-expression of the picture and multi construction process of see-through in skin-texture for addressing the possibility of heterogeneity of material used in the watercolor painting process.時間空間異質知覺TimeSpaceHeterogeneity of MaterialConsciousness「記憶、斷裂、異質」: 時間與空間知覺的繪畫表現「Memory、Crack and Homeomorphism」: Painting expression of consciousness on time and space