李晶Ching Li郭俊源Chun-Yuan Guo2019-09-052009-7-172019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095132118%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107490快樂國民小學辦理畢業旅行歷程之個案研究 完成年月:2008年6月 研 究 生:郭俊源 指導教授:李 晶 中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國小畢業旅行舉辦之意義,並了解中型國民小學辦理畢業旅行的歷程。為達成上述研究目的,以快樂國小作為研究個案,採用質性研究方法,運用參與觀察、訪談及文件分析等研究方法進行研究,並將所蒐集的資料進行整理、歸納及分析。研究的結果發現(一)國小舉辦畢業旅行是學生體驗學習的機會,可以增進學生人際關係,並幫助師生愛的關懷和親密感需求(二)中型國民小學辦理畢業旅行的歷程係依照休閒活動規劃理論的程序進行,行政人員、家長及畢業班導師解決各項問題。研究建議將畢業旅行辦理過程彙整成冊,作為日後學校辦理畢業旅行考量因素的重要參考資料。 關鍵詞:畢業旅行、校外教學The Case Study of Planning the Graduation Travel in the Happy Elementary School Time: June 2008 Student: Chun-Yuan Guo Adviser: Ching Li Abstract The purposes of this research were to study the significance of graduation traveling of elementary school, and to understand its progress. The study applied three research methods, which included observation, interview, and document analysis, to study the Happy Elementary School. And then I tried to check and analyze the data. The study results showed (1) The graduation traveling was an opportunity that allows students to learn and experience. It also helped them enhance interpersonal relationship and assists the care between teachers and students. (2) Planning the graduation traveling of middle elementary school was based on the ethics of leisure programming. School officers, administrators, parents and teachers cooperated to solve all problems that are involved. The study suggested that the collected reports of planning will be important reference of graduation traveling in the future for school. Key words: graduation travel, outdoor education畢業旅行校外教學graduation traveloutdoor education快樂國民小學辦理畢業旅行歷程之個案研究The Case Study of Planning the Graduation Travel in the Happy Elementary School