宋修德陳宜君2019-09-042011-7-312019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695700560%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99087知識經濟時代的來臨,知識成為企業持久競爭優勢的基礎,知識管理成為企業獲得持續競爭優勢的重要能力,本研究在探討台灣線上遊戲產業知識分享影響因素之研究,遊戲軟體公司在自行研發遊戲軟體、遊戲企劃、行銷通路模式上,具備知識分享的代表性。因此以線上遊戲公司企劃、行銷、遊戲開發等部門之組織正式人員為研究對象,導入知識分享研究架構,提供線上遊戲公司一套知識分享活動之模式,以作為線上遊戲公司知識分享實施之參考依據。 本研究藉由組織管理與知識管理學者之論點,歸納出員工行為、團隊特性、組織制度、合作夥伴關係與科技支持五大知識分享影響因素之評估構面,經由文獻回顧法,彙整出二十七項評估指標,在第一階段模糊徳菲法共發出32份專家問卷,回收11份問卷,專家ㄧ致刪除3項指標,第二階段模糊層級分析法,發出9份問卷,回收7份有效問卷,透過模糊層級分析可得知,線上遊戲產業在知識分享各構面與指標的重要性程度看法與現況表現,最後建構一套知識分享影響因素的評估模式與操作流程。 本研究結果可分為三部分,從知識分享構面權重值來看,線上遊戲公司較重視團隊特性與員工行為兩構面,未來需加強對其他三項構面的重視。從知識分享構面評估值來看,本研究發現整體線上遊戲公司,在各構面的現況表現相當平均,其中以員工行為構面表現最好。最後,線上遊戲產業知識分享整體現況表現落於「稍好」,建議線上遊戲公司在未來可持續朝其他落後指標加強,強化公司知識分享的能力。 關鍵字:知識分享、線上遊戲產業、模糊徳菲法、 模糊層級分析法In the age of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the competence of niche.Knowledge sharing practices are significant factors for knowledge management. Promoting knowledge management through knowledge sharing is a key issue in practices and academics. This study aimed to explore the factors of organizational members knowledge sharing in online game industry. Based on the related literature on knowledge sharing, this study proposed five dimensions and twenty-seven indicators to classify influence of knowledge sharing. Those dimensions are staff behavior, team characterization, organizational system, partner relationship, and technology support. The study applied the fuzzy delphi method to collect experts’ opinion and find the influencing factors in the first stage. In the second stage, the study applied fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to calculate out the weight of dimensions and the evaluation of dimensions and indicators. This study develops an evaluation model of the influence of knowledge sharing in online game industry which serves as the basis for assessing organizational knowledge sharing. The results of this study are summarized to three parts. First, online game industry focus on the dimensions of staff behavior and team characterization.Second, the evaluation of dimensions is average. Finally, the overall knowledge sharing performance of online game industry is in slightly better situation.The conclusions and suggestions for online game industry and further study were presented and proposed. Keywords: Online Game, Knowledge Sharing, Fuzzy Delphi, Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process知識分享線上遊戲產業模糊徳菲法模糊層級分析法Online GameKnowledge SharingFuzzy DelphiFuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process線上遊戲產業組織成員知識分享影響因素之研究A Study on the Factors of Organizational Members Knowledge Sharing in Online Game Industry