胡心慈林宛瑩2019-08-282011-2-92019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594091209%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91622本研究旨在探討北部地區國中小特教班融合教育實施的現況、影響因素,並比較國中與國小階段以及不同學校背景間的差異情形。採用問卷調查法,以九十八學年度台北縣、台北市及桃園縣設置有集中式特教班的學校為研究對象,自編「北部地區國中小特教班融合教育實施現況問卷」為研究工具,以普查方式發出231份問卷,其中預試問卷35份,正式問卷196份,正式問卷回收率71%。問卷所得資料以百分比、次數分配、平均數等統計方法進行分析。最後輔以訪談資料,探討目前國中小特教班融合教育實施的可行做法。所得結果略述如下: 一、參與學校活動是北部地區國中小特教班實施融合教育最常使用的方式。 二、國中與國小階段特教班融合教育實施的方式由多至少排序都是參與學校活動多於特教班主動或配合學校處室規劃融合相關活動多於參與普通班課程,但實施狀況國小比國中普遍。 三、無論是哪一種融合教育實施的方式,國中與國小階段在項目上都有雷同之處。 四、學校所在縣市、規模大小、特教班學生人數會使北部地區國中小特教班融合教育實施現況產生差異。 五、影響北部地區國中小特教班融合教育實施的正面因素以「特教班教師的支持」最為重要。 六、影響北部地區國中小特教班融合教育實施的負面因素較多元,包含特教班學生本身的身心特質、普通班師生的態度以及特教班教師的因素。 七、影響北部地區國中與國小階段融合教育實施的正面因素大致相同。 八、影響北部地區國中與國小階段融合教育實施的負面因素有差異。 最後根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政機關、學校行政人員及教師,以及未來研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of the inclusive education for self-contained special classes of junior high and elementary schools in the northern area of Taiwan. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this research. Self-contained special classes of junior high and elementary schools in Taipei City, New Taipei City and Taoyuan County in the 98th school year are selected as the research objects. Using the self-redacted “ Questionnaires of the Implementation of the Inclusive Education for Self-Contained Special Classes of Junior High and Elementary Schools in the Northern Area of Taiwan” as the research tool, a total of 231 questionnaires were distributed. The data were later statistically processed with frequency distribution, percentage and average. Conclusions and findings obtained from statistical results were as follows: 1. Self-contained special classes of junior high and elementary schools always implement the inclusive education by participating activities of the school. 2. The ways to implement the inclusive education for self-contained special classes of junior high and elementary schools are the same. But the implementation of the inclusive education in elementary schools are better than junior high schools. 3. The activities used by self-contained special classes of junior high and elementary schools to implement the inclusive education are almost the same. 4. Among the schools with different backgrounds, there were differences in implementation of the inclusive education. 5. The support of special education teachers is the most important factor to implement the inclusive education. 6. There were many factors to obstruct self-contained special classes of junior high and elementary schools to implement the inclusive education. For example, the retardation of students, the attitude of regular teachers and students, and the factors from special education teachers. 7. The factors to improve the implementation of the inclusive education in junior high schools and elementary schools are the same. 8. The factors to obstruct the implementation of the inclusive education in junior high schools and elementary schools are different. Finally, based on the research findings, recommendations were proposed as a reference for the authority concerned, schools, and follow-up studies.特教班國中國小融合教育現況影響因素Self-Contained Special ClassesJunior High SchoolsElementary SchoolsInclusive EducationImplementationInfluencing factor北部地區國中小特教班融合教育現況比較及可行之做法