曹天瑞2014-10-272014-10-272002-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/30198本研究主要目的在探討宜蘭縣原住民泰雅族學生之休閒活動現況,並依據研究發現提出改善原住民國中學生休閒活動之建議。 本研究獲致之發現,臚陳如下: 壹、休閒認知方面 母親教育程度,有顯著差異。 貳、休閒參與動機方面 一、對增加知識,父母教育程度與職業類別,有顯著差異。 二、對增加技術和能力,性別及母親教育程度,有顯著差異。 三、使身體更健康,居住地,母親教育程度與父母親職業類別,有顯著差異。 四、交到更多的朋友,父母教育程度與父母職業類別,有顯著差異 五、放鬆心情∕減少緊張和壓力,母親教育程度與職業類別,有顯著差異 參、休閒活動類型方面 一、原住民國中學生所參與之休閒活動類型,依其參與頻率,最頻繁者為消遣類,其次為運動類,再其次依序為社交類、實用類,最少者為藝文類。 二、屬於原住民傳統的休閒項目,在目前的原住民國中學生上,已幾乎看不到。 肆、休閒時間量方面 一、週一至週五每日平均的休閒活動時間量,以1至2小時為最多。 二、週休二日的總休閒活動時間量,以2至4小時為最多。 伍、休閒活動困境方面 「休閒困境2-沒有場所」、「休閒困境4-沒人指導」、「休閒困境8-父母或老師不鼓勵」、「休閒困境9-沒有同伴和家人陪同」,有顯著差異。 根據本研究目的及上述發現,提出下列建議。 壹、對推展原住民國中學生休閒活動的建議 一、加強親職教育 二、加強休閒教育的實施,培養多方面的休閒知能 三、學校要安排多樣化的休閒活動 四、增建休閒活動場所與設施 五、提供休閒資訊與資源 六、培育休閒教育專業人才 七、各有關單位重視原住民文化之傳承 八、改善原住民地區之交通與經濟 貳、對未來研究的建議 一、可擴大至全省原住民各族群,不同教育階段之研究,以建立普遍性之研究結果。 二、若再繼續研究時,可將自變項如相互之間作交叉研究、也可再增加依變項。 三、在編製問卷時更應嚴謹,務期問卷更具客觀性。 四、爾後若要繼續研究,可運用其他各種不同的社會科學研究方法。The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the recent condition of Atayal junior high school students' participating in leisure activities in Ilan county and make suggestions of improving aboriginal junior high school students' participating in leisure activities. The subjects for the study were Atayal junior high school students in Ilan county. There were 448 students. The study employed questionnaire to conduct general investigation. It also interviewed 15 local aboriginal growups. The independent variables were students' gender, location, their parents' education levels and careers; while the dependent variables were leisure cognitive, leisure participating motivation, leisure-activity types and leisure-activity trouble. Hypothesis were tested by t-test, one-way analysis of covariance and x? test. And analyze the records of interview to fulfill the conclusions. The results of the study were summarized as followed:I. About leisure cognitive Those whose parents' education levels are junior high school get more scores than those whose parents were not educated.II. About leisure participating motivation i. The lower parents' education levels and career levels are, the higher the need to increase knowledge is. ii. The higher their mothers' education levels are, the more important to improve technology and ability students felts. iii. Those who live in city areas and mountain areas and whose mothers' education levels and career types were lower will agree to develop a healthier body as a leisure participating motivation. iv. Those whose mothers' education level and career types were lower agree relaxing themselves, decreasing intension and pressure as leisure participating motivation.III. About leisure activity types i. The leisure activity type which Atayal junior high school students in Ilan county participate most often is entertainment-type activity; the second one is sports-type activity; the third one is usefulness原住民國中學生休閒認知休閒參與動機休閒活動類型休閒時間量休閒活動困境原住民國中學生休閒活動現況之研究An Investigation of Leisure Activity of Aboriginal Junior-high Students: A Case Study of the Ethnic Group of Atayal in Ilan County