董秀蘭Doong, Shiow Lan胡淑華Hu, Shu-Hua2019-08-282019-7-82019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0897070034%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88701審議民主理論深具公民培育之價值內蘊,以為當代教育學者所關注,並積極開拓實踐途徑,涵養學生審議能力之展現。基此,如何透過審議歷程進行學習即成關鍵。本研究旨在瞭解個案學生參與審議民主學習的互動樣貌,透過以學生主體為視角,探析學生學習改變與自我感受,並就其歷程覺知探查影響因素和提出因應策略。本研究以國中二年級參與「校外教學景點規劃」為主題的80位學生為研究參與者,採個案研究設計,以質性為主、量化為輔的研究取徑,藉由訪談、文件分析與參與觀察,作為資料蒐集與分析方法。本研究發現如下: 一、審議民主學習實際運作呈現「有限平等參與」與「不完全共善決策」樣貌;審議民主學習歷程展現「差異性」互動行為。 二、學生覺知審議民主學習受參與者本身、環境脈絡與言談操作模式三項 因素影響。 三、審議民主學習歷程效果包含,(一)規範的審議信念:「他者有價」的平等觀和「公意」的共識觀;實踐的審議信念:提升「自律」的審議行動意識、對談促發共識生成與差異理解的共善選擇;(二)經驗省思:體認審議民主價值和涵養審議主持能力。 最後,研究者對於審議民主學習運作模式與教學設計提供建議,並指出審議民主學習後續研究的可能方向。With the profound value of cultivating citizens in a democratic society, deliberative democracy has received considerable attention from contemporary educators, who have been actively exploring practical ways to cultivate students’ ability in deliberation. As a result, the process of students’ deliberation learning becomes crucial. This study aims to probe into students’ interactions in the process of deliberative democracy learning from their own perspective. It further analyzes the learning and self-perceived feelings, and explores the influencing factors based on students’ feelings in the process. The research subjects were 80 8th grade students who participated in the theme of “outside-school-learning planning”. This is a case study with qualitative research method as the primary method and quantitative research as the auxiliary method. Interviews, document analysis, and participant observation are used for data collection. Findings of this study are as follows: 1.The actual implementation of deliberative democracy learning showcased “limited fair participation” and “incomplete common good decisions”, whereas the learning process of deliberative democracy showcased “different” behaviors of interaction. 2.Students’ perception of deliberative democracy learning is subject to the influences of three factors of the individual participants themselves, the environmental context, and the manipulation module of discourses. 3. Outcomes of the process of deliberative democracy learning include: (1) normative belief in deliberation: the concept of equality such as “valuable others” and the concept of consensus such as “public opinion”; the belief of implementing deliberation: the elevated “self-disciplinary” awareness of exercising deliberation; facilitating consensus through dialogues, and selection of common good under differences of understanding; (2) experience and self-reflection: the understanding of the value of deliberative democracy and the cultivation of the ability to preside over meetings. Finally, this study offers suggestions for deliberative democracy learning, points out possible directions for future studies.審議民主審議民主學習審議信念deliberative democracydeliberative democracy learningdeliberative beliefs形塑校園民主學習共同體:國中學生審議民主學習之個案研究Shaping a Democratic Learning Community on Campus: A Case Study of Deliberative Democracy Learning of Junior High School Students