廖靜宜金瑞芝Ching-Yi LiaoJui-Chih Chin2014-10-272014-10-272012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11309本研究之主要目的在於探究兒童說服策略發展,以年齡、性別與說服對象為變項,探討兒童說服策略的種類、數量和層次的差異。研究發現幼稚園比國小兒童更無法明確敘述自己的請求,但是隨著年齡增長,兒童較能夠考慮到說服對象的願望。在要東西任務說服同儕和好友時,幼稚園兒童的說服策略數量大於國小兒童。國小兒童在說服成人及說服同儕收拾玩具,所提出的說服策略層次大於幼稚園。在性別差異方面,即男生比女生更常重複表述請求及願望。關於不同說服對象方面,兒童在面對成人時較無法明確敘述自己的請求,但能於說服時反映成人願望;而在說服同儕和好友時較能描述達到目的後的情況;而在面對同儕時,更能說明請求與願望的理由及能察覺對方可能會反駁的論點而事先說服。The purpose ofthis study was to explore how the development of children's persuasive strategies varied as a function of age, gender, and persuadees. The subjects consisted of 60 five- and six-years old, and 60 first- and second-grade children in TaipeiThe results indicated that kindergarteners were less able to state requests explicitly than elementary children. On the otherhand, elementary children were able to phrase requests that acknowledged persuadees' desires. Elementary children usedhigher levels of strategies more than kindergarteners, when persuading adults for buying stuff as well as persuading adult andpeer for cleaning up. When persuading peers and best friends for sharing toys, kindergarteners used more strategies thanelementary children. Regarding gender differences, boys used simple requests more than girls. Furthermore, children weremore able to acknowledge adults' desires. On the other hand, when persuading peers and best friends, they were more able toelaborate details of proposal. When persuading peers, they were more able to explain the reasons of requests/desires or todeal with counterarguments in their requests.兒童說服對象說服策略childrenpersuadeepersuasive strategies兒童說服策略發展之研究The Development of Children's Persuasive Strategies