國立臺灣師範大學台灣語文學系簡啟文王榮德姚開屏李勤岸謝清麟2016-01-122016-01-122005-09-011028-1916http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76188選取符合本土性及等距性的閩南語量尺語詞,作為發展閩南語版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷的基礎。世界衛生組織問卷的量尺語詞,包括能力、評估、頻率及強度四類。每類有五個序位量尺語詞,含二個端點用詞與三個中間序位量尺語詞。先由訪問與專家討論決定端點用詞,再由全國性訪問選出三個中間量尺語詞。訪問中使用錄音機撥放候選語詞,供242位志願受訪者,在20公分的線段上標示出每個候選語詞相對於兩個端點用詞的語氣程度。最後根據平均值及標準差,選取出各類三個中間序位量尺語詞。選出的閩南語能力語詞為完全不能、不太能、一半一半、能夠及完全能夠;評估語詞可分為兩種次類型:滿意次類型為完全不滿意、不夠滿意、一半一半、大部分滿意及完全滿意;好壞次類型為完全不好、不太好、一半一半、大部分好及完全好;頻率語詞為一直都沒有、很少有、一半一半、時常有及一直都有;強度語詞為完全沒有、不太有、一半一半、大多數有及完全有。本研究所選出的四類本土性閩南語量尺語詞,符合閩南語版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷之需要,並可提供台灣或中國大陸閩南地區發展其它類似問卷量尺語詞設計之參考。This study aimed to determine appropriate scale descriptors for the interview version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL) for Minnan-speaking people living in Taiwan. The WHOQOL consists of 4 kinds of response scales: capacity, evaluation, frequency and intensity. Each response scale has 5 ordinal descriptors including 2 anchors for extreme level responses and 3 intermediates. Two anchors were first determined based on the results of interviews and experts' opinions. A total of 242 adults were recruited throughout Taiwan to finally determine appropriate intermediates based on mean and standard deviation. Interviewers used tape players to ask them to place each descriptor on a 20 cm line according to where they think each descriptor lies in relation to the 2 anchors. Five appropriate Minnan descriptors were "Not at all", "A little", "Moderately", "Mostly", and "Completely" for capacity; "Very dissatisfied", "Dissatisfied", "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied", "Satisfied", and "Very satisfied" for one of the evaluations; "Very poor", "Poor", "Neither good nor poor", "Good", and "Very good" for the other evaluation; "Never", "Seldom", "Quite often", "Very often", and "Always" for frequency; and "Not at all", "Slightly", "Moderately", "Very", and "Extremely" for intensity. These selected descriptors not only establish the foundation for the interview version of WHOQOL but also have high potential to be used in any other questionnaires for Minnan-speaking people living in Taiwan, China, or elsewhere.量尺語詞生活品質世界衛生組織臺灣閩南語Scale descriptorsQuality of lifeWorld health organizationTaiwanese閩南語版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷中量尺語詞之選擇Minnan Version of Determining Scale Descriptors of the Interview Questionnaire of WHOQOL