國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系李隆盛賴春金李光展林永基2014-10-302014-10-302010-10-011560-1277http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35570在臺灣原住民中,賽夏族的傳統技藝以編器和紡織在各族中最具特色,但因為是人數最少的一族,其傳統技藝教育面臨失傳的危機,有必要設計有利其傳承與推廣的課程。有鑑於此,本研究旨在設計一門適合國中學生學習的賽夏族編器技藝入門課程內容,研究方法則使用「品質機能展開」(quality function deployment,QFD)法,運用「標竿分析」、「專家訪談」、以及「專家座談」等程序,建構出賽夏族編器技藝入門課程應有之內容單元,依優先順序為:文化創意融入竹藤編工藝、現代設計理念融入竹藤編工藝、從傳統信仰體認竹藤編工藝的價值、賽夏族的故事、從現代藝術觀點賞析竹藤編之美、竹藤工藝的基本特質、竹藤工藝的產業發展史、部落的人文環境、編器製作程序、竹藤編工藝的市場行銷概念、部落的自然環境、竹的材料性質、以及藤的材料性質共13項,並研提課程實施配套措施,期能在國中技藝教育學程推廣,以傳承和創新珍貴的賽夏族編器技藝與文化。In comparison with other indigenous arts and crafts in Taiwan, Saisiat's weaving and textile demonstrate the most distinctive features. However, those two traditional arts and crafts are facing the crisis of disappearance because Saisiat is the smallest indigenous tribe in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to design an entry-level program of Saisiat's Bamboo and Rattan Weaving (BRW) for junior high school students in the area having intensive Saisiat people. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method was employed to reach the purpose. Benchmarking analysis, expert interview and panel discussion were utilized to collect relevant information. Consequently, the following 13 curriculum units, listed in order of descending priority, were identified: BRW Integrated with Culture and Creation, BRW Integrated with Modern Design, Value of BRW Realized through Saisiat's Traditional Believes, Saisiat's Stories, Appreciation of the Beauty of BRW in Terms of Modern Arts Perspectives, Feature of BRW, History of BRW Industries, Saisiat's Humanities Environment, Production Processes of BRW, Introduction to Marketing of BRW Products, Saisiat's Natural Environment, Nature of Bamboo, and Nature of Rattan. Finally, some supporting measures for implanting those units were suggested. Hopefully those units may be implemented in junior high schools to reserve and innovate Saisiat's BRW.賽夏族編器技藝課程設計標竿分析品質機能展開SaisiatWeaving arts and craftsCurriculum designBenchmarking analysisQuality function deploymentQFD賽夏族編器技藝教育的課程內容與配套措施品質機能展開(QFD)法的應用