蘇憲法Su, Xian-Fa許婉妮Xu, Wan-Ni2020-12-102018-07-112020-12-102018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060460039T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114697敦煌壁畫是中華文化史上不容或缺的文化瑰寶。它不僅為佛教的發展歷程起到記錄性的作用,與此同時保留了大量的壁畫藝術作品供後世學習與觀摩。其保存了從十六國的前秦時期至元代一千多年的壁畫作品。敦煌壁畫在結合西域畫法和中華傳統創作技法的基礎上,提供了許多新的繪畫創作形式,為中華繪畫史添上了濃墨重彩的一頁。 文章從研究動機與目的出發著力探討敦煌壁畫的表現技法和用色等方面,筆者創作借鑒敦煌壁畫裡的圖式與色彩表現等,感受藝術個性的張揚。文章主要通過比較和舉例的方法進行研究,簡要闡述敦煌壁畫在構圖、色彩、形式等視覺藝術方面表現出來的基本特徵與克萊夫•貝爾 (Clive Bell,1881-1964)所提出的「有意味的形式」的契合點以及對筆者創作中產生的影響與啟發。筆者在文中以《三千》、《敦煌風景系列》、《敦煌壁畫系列》三個系列的作品對探析敦煌壁畫後所領悟的形式的美感给予總結與反饋。 敦煌壁畫是敦煌莫高窟藝術的主要組成部分,它將多種文化融會貫通,在文化的不斷碰撞中產生了形式的美感,為後世的藝術世界豐富了繪畫語言。筆者將列舉具有代表性的敦煌壁畫作品探析敦煌壁畫形式的美感對油畫創作實踐的影響。著重探究其構圖、色彩、造型的特徵,借鑒敦煌壁畫為我們提供的豐富的繪畫經驗與靈感檢視筆者創作的同時展望未來!Dunhuang frescoes are indispensable cultural treasure in Chinese cultural history. It not only serves as a record in Buddhist developing progress in China, but also maintains many frescoes for empathic learning. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes has preserved over one thousand years frescoes from pre-Qin in the Sixteen States Period to Yuan Dynasty . Dunhuang frescoes based on the China’s western regions painting and the traditional Chinese techniques to provide a lot of new painting history. Study starts from the author’s motivation and purpose to discuss the performance and color of Dunhuang frescoes. Then,the author borrows not only composition beauty of Dunhuang frescoes but also general principle of color performance to feel artistic personality. A rough study goes into by contrast and citing to briefly expound how Dunhuang frescoes accord with Clive Bell’s theory on significant form through its composition of picture, color and form as well as what influence and inspiration appear to the another. After the investigation and analysis of the Dunhuang Frescoes, the author states her conclusion and feedback with three series of paintings created by the author: “Three and Thousand”, “Dunhunang Landscape Series” and “Dunhuang Murals Series”. Dunhuang frescoes is the main part of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes Arts, fusing multiple culture to create new formal beauty through culture shock, which enriches painting language in art circles later. The author will enumerate representative Dunhuang frescoes to Study how Dunhuang frescoes form of beauty influence oil painting creation. The author focus on schema, color as well as sculpt and model feature, borrowing rich painting experience and advanced color application from Dunhuang frescoes to view author’s creation and look ahead!敦煌壁畫形式的美感佛教信仰Dunhuang frescoesform of beautybuddhismbelief形式的美感——探析敦煌壁畫形式美對油畫創作實踐之影響Form of Beauty—An Analysis of How the Art Form of Dunhuang Frescoes Influenced the Practice of Oil Painting