馮丹白李佳盈2019-09-042009-7-172019-09-042008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693700047%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98963本研究旨在探討台北市高級中等學校資料處理科教師自我效能,並比較不同背景變項的教師在教師自我效能上的差異情形,進而分析影響資料處理科教師之教師自我效能的因素。本研究以文獻探討建立理論架構,其次發展問卷進行調查、訪談及統計分析。研究對象以全台北市15所中等學校內的155位資料處理科正式教師為主。所得資料經次數分配、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本T考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較等統計方法處理,獲致主要的研究結論如下: 一、台北市高級中等學校資料處理科整體教師自我效能在中上程度。 二、不同背景變項中,僅學校規模在教師自我效能總量表上達顯著差異。而在各方分量表中,「教學革新」對婚姻狀況達顯著水準;「學習評量」對最高學歷達顯著水準;「親師溝通」與「環境轉化」對年資達顯著水準。 三、影響資料處理科教師之教師自我效能的因素 (一)資料處理科教師之教師自我效能為多向度。 (二)在個人經驗方面,「班級經營」、「教學執行」、「學習評量」、「教師自我調適」對教師自我效能的影響最大。另外,「親師溝通」與「環境轉化」會影響教師在「教學執行」與「班級經營」的成效 (三)「學校組織文化」、「工作壓力」、「學生素質」、「教師本身的身心狀況與工作滿意度」、「教師自我心態/要求的調整」等內外因素皆會影響教師自我效能 最後,依本研究結論歸納出五點建議,期能供各主管教育行政機關、師資培育機構、中等學校人員、暨後續研究者參考。The purpose of this research is to treat teachers’ self-efficacy of data process departments in the senior high schools in Taipei. Also, it compares the differences of self-efficacy of teachers in different backgrounds, and further analyzes the factors of self-efficacy of them. The instruments of this research are based on document analysis, questionnaires and interviews. There are 155 data processing formal teachers from 15 high schools in Taipei involved as objects of this study. The instrument of the research has been analyzed by frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, t-test, independent samples, one-way ANOVA test, and Scheffe’s comparison. The observation and study come out the following conclusions: 1. Overall, self-efficacy of teachers in senior high schools in Taipei is above average. 2. Only school scale makes significant difference in self-efficacy of teachers among all backgrounds factors. As in different scales, “enlist teaching reform” reaches significant level to marriage status; “access learning process” reaches significant level to highest education background; “communicate to parents ” and ” change environment ” reach significant level to the experienced of teachers as well. 3. The factors that effect self-efficacy of teachers of data processing teachers are: (1) Self-efficacy of teachers of data processing teachers is multi dimensions. (2) In the aspect of self-experience,”classroom management”,”teaching execution”, “assess learning progress”, “teachers self adaption” are the factors that effect teachers the most. Also, “communicate to parents” and” change environment” will affect the result of”teaching execution” and”classroom management”. (3) The internal and external factors such as “School culture”, “work pressure”, “ qualities of students”,” teacher’s mental and physical status and satisfaction of work” and “teachers adjustment” also effect the self-efficacy of teachers.. According to the result of this research, there are five suggestions are made in order to provide reference information for education organizations, teacher development organizations, high schools administrators, and following researchers.教師自我效能中等學校教師資料處理科Self-efficacy of teachershigh School Teacherdata processing department台北市高級中等學校資料處理科教師自我效能之研究The Study on Teacher’s Self-efficacy of Data Processing Department in Taipei Municipal High School