陳李綢Chen, Lee-Chou程庭晞Chen, Ting-Hsi2020-12-142020-10-252020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0099A02112%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110161本研究旨在探討國中數理資優生與一般生之認知能力與個人特質的差異情形。運用兩份問卷,針對新北市公立國民中學設有數理資優班學校的學生為探討對象,共計發出問卷700份,回收553份有效問卷,有效回收率達80%。研究結果發現: 一、國中數理資優生與一般生認知能力(包含語文推理、數學推理和圖形推理)有差異性。 二、不同性別之國中數理資優生與一般生認知能力有差異。 三、不同年級之國中數理資優生與一般生認知能力有差異。 四、國中數理資優生與一般生個人特質中的友愛親密、樂觀進取和決策能力等有差異性。 五、不同性別之國中數理資優生與一般生個人特質有差異。 六、不同年級之國中數理資優生與一般生個人特質有差異。 七、國中數理資優生認知能力和個人特質具有相關性。 八、國中一般生認知能力和個人特質具有相關性。 藉由此研究結果,期使國中資優教育教師能適性的指導,裨益國中資優教育發展;而對於教導一般生的教師也能發掘學生的潛能,激發學習的信心,開啟學習動機,以達到整體良好的學習成效。The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in cognitive abilities and personality traits between mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students in junior high school. The questionnaire was developed to collect data of two junior high school in New Taipei city. A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed, and 553 valid questionnaires were returned, resulting in a return rate of 80.0%. The result shows as follows: 1. The cognitive abilities (including language reasoning, mathematical reasoning and figure reasoning) of junior high school students with mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students are different. 2. There are differences in cognitive abilities between mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students of different genders. 3. There are differences in cognitive abilities between mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students of different grades. 4. There are differences in personal traits of friendship and intimacy, optimism and aggressiveness, and decision-making ability between mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students in junior high schools. 5. There are differences in personal traits between mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students of different genders. 6. There are differences in personal traits between mathematically and scientifically gifted students and general students of different grades. 7. There is a correlation between the cognitive abilities and personal traits of gifted students in junior high schools. 8. There is a correlation between the cognitive abilities and personal traits of general students in junior high schools. The results of this study may serve as a useful reference for teachers when doing curriculum design and providing guidance to students. This study emphasizes the importance of adaptive teaching by special education teachers of gifted students so that such programs can thrive at the junior high school level. At the same time, teachers of general students may be able to use adaptive teaching to increase their confidence and motivation to learn by tapping into their potential to help them achieve better learning outcomes overall.資優生一般生認知能力個人特質Gifted studentsgeneral studentscognitive abilitiespersonality traits國中數理資優生與一般生之認知能力與個人特質研究A Study of Cognition and Personality Differences between Mathematically and Scientifically Gifted Students and General Students in Junior High School