李佩怡Pei-Yi Li吳雅婷Ya-Ting Wu2019-08-282018-12-302019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698010289%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91044摘要 本研究採用質性研究中參與式觀察法及建制民族誌,並以大誌發行站、艋舺公園、優遊之家及台北市街道作為主要田野,透過田野觀察及訪談進行資料蒐集,研究問題為:(一)遊民一詞背後所隱含的象徵及意含為何?(二)成為「遊民」是個人的原罪,或是社會製造了「遊民」?(三)「將遊民驅逐出我家」的現象為何?(四)遊民之心理的需求為何?台灣諮商心理領域缺乏關注遊民的研究及實務工作,此現象可能原因為何? 研究討論與結果如下: (一)「遊民」一詞隱含著許多污名化象徵,如髒亂、孤立退縮、攻擊,並影響其公民權利邊緣化,使人忽略遊民真實情況與污名化印象的落差,是故,遊民的概念,使遊民成為社會的危險他者,並影響了其在社會的處境。 (二)遊民現象反映了社會現況,勞動與報酬的落差、過度高價的房子、家庭失去了保護及支持功能,導致貧窮累積,惡化弱勢情境,並透過將流浪視為一種不適生存的自然淘汰機制,合理化弱勢情境,遊民並非無業,而是經濟弱勢勞動者,政府應重視遊民勞動付出與所得失衡的狀態。 (三)萬華居民與遊民之間對立,顯現潛藏在競爭背後的生存焦慮,發展成為對他者的壓迫與攻擊,並藉由資本主義競爭模式合理化遊民生存困境,在對立之外,必須透過福利政策的重新詮釋、社區積極溝通及遊民自治,發展居民與遊民共存的可能性。 (四)遊民的心理需求在環境的限制下,以有限的方式發展因應策略,遊民心理健康受到許多複雜因素影響,包含失業、身心障礙、家庭、社會適應、老年等問題,是內外在困境交互影響的結果,因此,遊民諮商的發展,必須以系統性的合作方式進行;遊民諮商的發展受到政府政策及資源配置,以及傳統諮商模式的被動性與付費模式的影響,限制了遊民諮商發展的可能性。 關鍵詞:心理需求、都市遊民、遊民現象、建制民族誌、參與式觀察A Qualitative Research of the Social Phenomena And Psychological Needs of the Urban Homeless Ya-Ting Wu Abstract This study used the participant observation method with Institutional ethnography to collect qualitative research data. The main areas where source data is obtained, in the form of observations and interviews, were collected from stands where The Big Issue were sold, Mengxia Park, the homeless ‘A Leisurely Life’ rehabilitation Homeless Center, and the streets of Taipei City. This study asks the following questions of: 1. What are the underlying traits and symbolism associated with ‘the homeless’? 2. Do people make themselves homeless through their actions, or are the homeless created by society? 3. What are the prejudices against living near homeless people? 4. What are the psychological needs of the homeless? Why hasn’t Taiwan done more for both counseling for the homeless, and researching the reasons behind the lack of practical work for the homeless? The discussion and results found are as follows: 1. The term ‘homeless’ carries many symbols of stigma, such as dirty, anti-social and violent. In general people marginalize the homeless through stigmatization and ignore the real issues, such as the actual occurrence of homelessness, the concept of homelessness, the vilification of the homeless and their affect upon society. 2. The homeless phenomenon reflects the standards of current society. It highlights certain areas in society such as labor, the wage gap, over-priced housing, and the lack of financial support for families, all of which lead to the increase of poverty and the deterioration of the lives of those in vulnerable situations. Through the process of natural selection the homeless remain in a vulnerable state, as they are unemployed but still remain economically disadvantaged workers. The Government should focus more attention upon the employment status of the homeless in order to alleviate the resulting labor imbalance. 3. Tensions arising between the residents of the Wanhua area and the homeless that live in this area is related to potential competition from survival anxiety. These issues have developed into oppression and conflict as influenced by the capitalist model to survive and avoid the plight of the homeless. To ameliorate this opposition tension issue, a new community autonomous welfare policy needs to be established to promote more positive dialogue between the homeless and local residents to aid the possibility of coexistence. 4. The psychological needs of the homeless are limited by their development strategies to cope with their situation. Their level of mental health is influenced by many complex factors such as: unemployment, physical disability, family relationships, social adaptation, age and other issues. The psychological needs of the homeless are the result of interaction with internal and external difficulties, so the cooperative development of counseling for the homeless must be undertaken in a systematic way. Polices to ensure the correct allocation of resources by the government in order to promote counseling of the homeless needs to be established. These polices need to also look at the influence of the traditional models of counseling payment systems, which limit the possibility to further develop counseling for the homeless Keywords: homeless phenomenon, institutional ethnography, participant observation, psychological needs, urban homeless心理需求都市遊民遊民現象建制民族誌參與式觀察psychological needsurban homelesshomeless phenomenainstitutional ethnographyparticipant observation「都市遊民」社會現象及心理需求之質性研究A Qualitative Research of the Social Phenomena And Psychological Needs of the Urban Homeless