陳惠芬Chen, Hui-Fen簡澤瑋Chien, Tse-Wei2023-12-082022-07-282023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/86992e6ea6b1757024a4dcad95caee3a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120244本研究是以「閱讀素養」和國中歷史教學的關係作為討論的中心,兼顧理論與實作。首先,透過文獻探討閱讀素養與十二年國民基本教育課程和歷史教學新趨勢二者之間的關聯,釐清素養導向課程的教學內涵以及確立閱讀素養導向的教學目標。在前述的理論基礎下,以臺灣史為例,開展閱讀素養導向的國中歷史教學設計。教學對象為國中七年級的學生,實施一個學期的素養導向課程。教學的目標是將閱讀素養融入歷史課堂中,期望培養學生的閱讀理解策略與歷史思維能力。本研究中的教學活動與教案格式設計,是參考「學習領導下的學習共同體」課程模組以及藍偉瑩的具體設計步驟。二者皆是參考Grant Wiggins 和 Jay McTighe在《重理解的課程設計》中所提出的逆向設計原則。教學活動使用的主要教材有2019年通審版的教科書及教師自編的提問式學習單。教學法則是使用分組合作學習、學思達教學法與閱讀問思教學法。最後,為檢核學生歷史思維能力的學習表現,參考臺師大心測中心所研發的「學生學習成就評量工具」設計閱讀素養導向評量單,作為本次實驗教學的總結性評量。在具體實作後,檢討本教學設計的教學目標、教材教法、教學評量等方面,提出若干省思與建議。This study is focused on the relations between” reading literacy” and junior high school history teaching, considering both theory and performance as the main issue of the discussion.First of all, this study discusses the connection between reading literacy and curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education and a new trend of history teaching, figuring out a teaching connotation of the literacy-oriented course, and establishing the teaching objective of the reading literacy oriented. Basic on the theory, this study starts a program of junior high history teaching in expanding the reading literacy oriented by teaching seventh-grade students, performing a semester course on the literacy oriented.The teaching objective is to integrate reading literacy into a history lesson, expecting to raise students’ ability of reading comprehension and historical thinking. In terms of the teaching activities and the design of instructional events, this study refers the course module of" Leadership for Learning earning community " and Wei-Ying Lan 's specific design steps. Both are based on the principles of “Backward Design” proposed by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe in the book called “Understanding by Design “. The main teaching material used for the teaching activities are “Textbooks certified by the Ministry of Education” which was published in 2019 and a problem-based worksheet which edits by myself. The methods of teaching use cooperative learning, sharestart teaching, and teaching reading comprehension. In the end, to certify students’ learning outcomes of historical thinking, this study uses a teacher-made test as the summative assessment of this teaching experiment. The construction of test refers to the standard-based assessment of student achievement for elementary and junior high schools’ students which was developed by research center for psychological and educational testing of National Taiwan Normal University.After performing the whole course, review the teaching goal, teaching methods, teaching assessment…etc. of this design and provide some suggestions and thoughts.閱讀素養十二年國教素養導向課程與評量歷史教學UbD課程設計歷史思維Reading LiteracyCurriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic EducationHistory TeachingUnderstanding by DesignHistorical Thinking閱讀素養導向的國中歷史教學實踐─以臺灣史為例Reading Literacy-oriented History Teaching Practice in Junior High School Education─Taking Taiwan History as an Exampleetd