呂清夫江美玲2020-12-102004-7-132020-12-102004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000093%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115647墨西哥女畫家芙烈達‧卡蘿( Frida Kahlo,1907-1954)一生充滿傳奇色彩。傳承自父親匈裔德國猶太及母親西裔印地安文化血脈,出生年代正逢墨西哥走向現代化與民主化,而最引人注目的是她的藝術天份與個人色彩徹底結合,在動盪的年代以充滿生命力的筆觸創作無比真實情感的作品。 卡蘿一生坎坷,六歲時不幸患小兒麻痺症,十八歲遭逢車禍,一根金屬扶手刺穿骨盆而出,造成身體傷殘及無法生育。除了肉體的痛苦,她與丈夫狄亞哥‧里維拉( Diego Rivera,1886-1957,墨西哥壁畫家)之間的愛戀分合,成為她生命中繪畫的主題,畫中流血、哭泣、體無完膚的景象,彷彿在尋求某種自我救贖、關照與治療,尤其自畫像大多反映她人生境遇與強烈的心情感受,獨特的形式與風格成為二十世紀畫壇的異數。 由於芙烈達‧卡蘿本身撰寫的資料有限,對於其繪畫創作思想歷程,則有必要循著藝術家的生平活動,依序從養成教育的過程與作品風格的形成進行理解,因此本論文的第一部份先從卡蘿繪畫風格的醞釀與形成著手,探究其成長背景與印地安文化根源的影響,瞭解其藝術啟蒙與藝術發展的概況,並剖析卡蘿人格特質與繪畫發展的關係。 論文第二部份就卡蘿的畫作分析與詮釋,首先論述其繪畫創作過程與一生所遭遇的挫折病痛有關,接著由卡蘿畫作類型一一剖析,闡述其繪畫表現的獨特性,最後探討卡蘿的自傳式繪畫特質,描繪了一生的經歷與強調文化認同,畫作中圖像的語彙與象徵意義,傳達了更為深刻的訊息,而她的藝術特質與當時藝術發展的關聯,也促成她在近代藝術佔有一席之地,然其作品背後所蘊藏之內涵才是值得深究之處。The life of Frida Kahlo (Mexican artist, 1907-1954) could be regarded as a legend. She inherited cultural features from her father, a Hungarian Germany Jew, and mother, a Spanish Indian. The age of her growing was currently along with the Mexico’s modernization and democratization. In the turbulent age, she had created a lot of marvelous works by a stroke of vitality. Nevertheless, the most significant feature of her works was a thorough combination of talent of arts and her vivid personal characteristics. Frida’s life was full of frustrations. She suffered from polio at her six. Then, when she was 18, a trolley accident caused her sterility and disablement. Apart from physical sufferings, the complicated relationship between her and her husband, Diego Rivera (1886-1957) also became a topic of her paintings. The images of her paintings consisted of bleeding, crying, and injuring all over the body especially on her self-portraits, seemingly implied that she was seeking expiation, care, and treatment. The unique style of drawing made her becoming a very different artist among the art society in the 20th century. There was only few data available from Frida herself. Thus, in order to have a full understanding about her artistic creation, it was necessary to study how she was educated and how her style was formed. Based on this prerequisite, this thesis would first focus at the fermenting of Frida’s creation style. Through exploring her life background and the influence of Indian culture, it would be known that how her art style was influenced by personality characteristics. On the second part of this thesis, the researcher would expound the relationship between Frida’s art creation and life frustration. Through analyzing her paintings, the uniqueness of her creation, so called “autobiographic painting”, would be revealed. Such a unique feature had indicated that Frida’s creation reflected her whole life and cultural identification. The elements and symbolic meanings of pictures presented on her creations had sent impressive messages to audience. Moreover, her artistic characteristics associated with the contemporary art development had also made Frida being an important painter on the earth. Nevertheless, the thoughtfulness behind her creation was what we should indeed consider.芙烈達卡蘿繪畫Frida KahloPainting芙烈達卡蘿(Frida Kahlo,1907-1954)人生歷程與繪畫創作之關係研究