李晶Ching Li陳廷維Ting-Wei Chen2019-09-052013-7-152019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060031030A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107605  運動競賽的領隊會議,常因空間與時間上的限制降低了參賽者的出席,導致領隊會議的功能無法發揮。本研究目的為探討運動競賽領隊會議APP其功能的品質要素之定位。研究方法以半結構式訪談法進行,訪談對象為參與過全國性與地區性領隊會議之領隊與參賽者,分別針對領隊會議前、會議中與會議後,以KANO二維品質分析模式分析APP功能之服務品質要素。研究結果發現會議前與會議後以文件傳遞為主要的功能需求類別;會議中的階段對於訊息傳遞、文件傳遞、系統管理、輔助功能以上功能類別皆有其需求,其中又以訊息傳遞最為重要。本研究建議未來行動領隊會議App應加強其訊息傳遞功能的開發,同時應謹慎考量非同步訊息傳遞的重要性。According to time limitation and space constraint, the participation rate of sports leaders’ meeting was usually low. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to applied mobile application (APP) which could improve the process of sport leaders’ meeting. Methods: This study applied document analysis to review on sport leaders’ meeting meanings. Data flow diagram (DFD) was used to analysis the process of the data transmission. Results: This research divided sport leaders’ meeting into three sections: pre-meeting, on-going and after-meeting processes. The results indicated that file transmission was the most necessary element in pre-meeting and after-meeting processes. In on-going meeting process, information transmission, file transmission, system control and assistive function are all emphasized. Conclusion: Information transmission should be the focus in terms of the mobile APP design for sport leaders’ meeting. Moreover, this study suggested that should be considered the need of non-simultaneous information transmission in future studies.領隊會議線上會議AppMobile ApplicationSport Leaders' MeetingApp行動會議微型應用程式 (APP) 應用於領隊會議的 功能服務品質要素定位之研究A Study of Integrting Mobile Meeting Application in Sport Leaders’ Meeting into Quality Function Deployment