國立臺灣師範大學台灣語文學系林芳玫2016-01-122016-01-122012/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76178本計畫為三年期研究計畫,第一年研究日治時期文言通俗小說與白話文言情小 說,並特別著重於空間與地景的再現。第二年研究60 年代金杏枝小說,以及60-70 年代瓊瑤小說,也同樣著重於空間與地景。第二年計畫也探討小說改編電影後二 者的異同。第三年研究上一世紀90 年代迄今的羅曼史,並以讀者訪談探討讀者 對當代羅曼史的反應。當代羅曼史主要集中於崛起於90 年代的席絹小說,以及 自本世紀初興盛的BL 小說。BL(Boy’s Love)小說意指女性作者寫給女性讀者看 的以男男戀情為主題的羅曼史,本研究以此回顧跨世紀以來愛情書寫的變與不 變。This research proposal intends to conduct a three-year project to explore the transformation of romance fiction over the past century. The first year project begins with the Japanese colonial period, concentrating on wenyen popular fiction and baihua romantic writing,as well as paying special attention to the representation of space and landscape in these stories. The second year project concentrates on the comparison between and Jin Xing-zhi and Qiong Yao during the 60s and the 70s. The theme of the representation of space and landscape will be explored for the second year project, too. In addition, the adaptation of novels into films will also be studied. For the third year, I will research contemporary romance fiction from the 90s to the current time. Besides textual analysis, I will conduct readers interviews to examine how readers respond to contemporary romance. In the third year project, I will concentrate on two parts: the first would be about writings by Xi-Juan, whose first writing appeared in the 1990s, and the second would be about BL fiction. BL refers to Boy’s Love, and BL fiction is romance fiction written by female writers for female readers. By studying the three different periods of romantic writing, I will reflect upon the changing currents of romantic writing, and contrast them to the constant features of romantic writing.羅曼史言情小說空間與地景瓊瑤電影席絹讀者反應BL小說romance fictionromantic writingspace and landscapeQiong Yao filmsXi Juanreader's responseBL fiction跨世紀的言情小說研究Romance Fiction across the Centuries:從日治到當代的通俗言情書寫from Colonial Period to Contemporary Writing