張靖卿Ching-Ching Chang2014-10-272014-10-272013-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13683除了被廣泛推薦或採用的教學模式外,資優學生的課程與教學也可運用智能理論來設計。Sternberg的成功智能理論擴充了傳統智能的概念,強調對個人所處社會文化背景的考量,以及統整運用分析、實用與創造的能力。其理念重視思考能力的運用和實際生活中的實踐,正與資優教育的目標不謀而合。本文旨在探討成功智能理論在評量與教學上之研究應用,以供資優教育教師在教學實務上之參考。When designing curricula and instructional activities for gifted students, intelligence theories could be utilized for this purpose. The theory of successful intelligence, proposed by Sternberg, emphasized the importance of individuals’ sociocultural contexts and the ability to incorporate analytic, practical, and creative intelligences. This theory encouraged students to utilize the three types of abilities in the real world, which was aligned with the goals of gifted education. This article reviewed studies that utilized the theory of successful intelligence in education, and explored ways to apply in assessing and teaching.成功智能評量與教學successful intelligenceassessment and instruction談成功智能理論在評量與教學上之應用Introducing the Application of Successful Intelligence Theory to Assessment and Instruction